Managing change in an organization

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In the movie business, Kodak had great success. However, the business eventually failed because it didn’t notice a shift in market patterns. Selling movies was the company’s primary activity. It was unaware of the shift in technology where analog cameras became digital and later vanished into cell phones. It neglected to adopt a digital system and poorly managed its investment in digital cameras (Anthony, 2017). Unmet needs were not noticed by Kodak. It did not appreciate or acknowledge failure. It failed the company when it sold the film division to Fuji (Berkeleyexeced, 2016).

Kodak could have embraced change to deal with advancement in technology. The company should have customized its products to meet the market trends and changing customer needs. The company should have put in place success measures so that when the company started falling, it would have been easy to recognize and take necessary action. Selling the film business to Fuji was not a good idea. The company would have accepted that the corporation was facing challenges and focused on innovations of integrating the business with market demands.

Activity three

According to Klettner et al and Campbell and Göritz (2013), the leadership of an organization is essential in setting up ethics and embracing a culture that allows for organizational change to achieve the company’s social responsibility as argued by Babalola et al., (2016).

Activity four

Organizational leadership, ethics, culture, and change as hypothesized by Klettner et al. (2013), at Kodak failed to meet its corporate social responsibility of addressing the needs of its customers. The failure of Kodak if majorly attributed to its inability to acknowledge and adopt technological change (Campbell and Göritz, 2013). When cameras changed from to digital and later cell phone cameras, Kodak misused funds in digital cameras instead of embracing digital simplicity. According to Babalola et al. (2016), ethics, leadership, and culture of a company should be strong enough to deal with change. Instead, they decided to sell the film business to Fuji. Change is inevitable, and any successful company should be flexible to change its operations to meet changing trends (Kramar, 2012).

Activity 5


Babalola, M.T., Stouten, J. & Euwema, M., 2016. Frequent Change and Turnover Intention: The Moderating Role of Ethical Leadership. Journal of Business Ethics, 134(2), pp.311–322

Klettner, A., Clarke, T. & Boersma, M., 2013. The Governance of Corporate Sustainability: Empirical Insights into the Development, Leadership and Implementation of Responsible Business Strategy. Journal of Business Ethics, 122(1), pp.145–165.

Campbell, J.-L. & Göritz, A.S., 2013. Culture Corrupts! A Qualitative Study of Organizational Culture in Corrupt Organizations. Journal of Business Ethics, 120(3), pp.291–311.

Anthony, S., 2017. Harvard Business Review. Available at: [Accessed September 21, 2017].

berkeleyexeced, 2016. YouTube. Available at: [Accessed September 21, 2017].

Kramar, R., 2012. Trends in Australian human resource management: what next? Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 50(2), pp.133–150.

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