management of a project

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Project management involves the administration of seemingly discrete packages of work in order to accomplish the defined goals effectively. Job administration is highly dependent on a wide variety of influences (Kunjadi & Milosavljevi, 2014, pp.530). Any of the significant factors that play a critical role in deciding the importance, size, and scope of the job include office transfer and Olympic readiness, which appear to share similar fundamental values despite the provision of different administrative challenges. Scale and complexity are not the only considerations. Management of the major infrastructure developments for clients tends to necessitate a different approach to the internally managing merger of two separate organizations (Tomoyuki & Ichiro, 2016, pp.1; Eskerod & Vaagaasar, 2014, pp.75). In the seemingly less experienced group characterized by the decentralized governance, the project teams tend to assume the responsibility of management to themselves. The project sponsors on such instances tend to take on the role of ensuring the installment of adequate administration mechanisms. The periodical checking of the governance mechanisms is crucial which is commonly referred to as project assurance. The paper thus focuses on presenting a report on Palm Jumeira, which is a Dubai-based firm.

Team Work

The coordination of the various groups is crucial to the success of the project. The individual managers thus need to ensure their motivation of the different groups of people working on the project. One of the main group involved in the execution of the program entail the sponsors. The sponsorship team may include an individual or a group of persons holding a senior management role. The aid team focuses on ensuring accountability for the effective governance of the work while concentrating on the delivery of the project objectives (Cicmil & Hodgson, 2006, pp.111). The sponsorship team may obtain support from other senior managers hence their consideration as the project steering committee. The support team tends to own the business case.

The roles of the project sponsors tend to commence before the appointment of the project manager. The role further extends to beyond the closure of the project and the departure of the project managers (Fernandes, Ward & Araújo, 2014, pp.81). There is the necessity for ensuring that the sponsorship team and project managerial team hail from varying organizations to provide some distinction in their roles.

Besides the sponsors, the project managers, risk managers and the member of change control board played a crucial role in the success of the project. These team members ensure that the project team maintains the objectives of the project through the assumption of the appropriate approach to ensure achievement of success in the organization (Balster, 2016, pp.86; Bloomsbury, 2007, pp.27). Understanding the role of each team is crucial to ensure avoidance of the emergence of potential conflicts that may result in significant delay in the achievement of the project’s objectives.

Another important team in the success of the project entails the senior executive. The executive team plays an essential role in ensuring the provision of the necessary expertise on the project topic besides handling the entire company (Solomon, 2015, pp.28).

The finance team, on the other hand, is essential for the delivery of the budgeting services for the project (Chin, Yap & Spowage, 2011, pp.901). The team further played a crucial role in delivering general assistance and advice regarding the planning of the cost efficient trip that is essential in the management of the financial resources allocated for the project.

The change management team as well plays a crucial role in ensuring the success of the project. Since the project presents some modifications in the running of the organization, there is the necessity for ensuring that the change control board stays updated on the progress of the project (Oellgaard, 2013, pp.65; Loo, 2002, pp.61). The team is crucial in the management of changes happening in the project’s lifecycle. The team further holds the decision on the transformation of the Gantt chart schedule, and the risk register.

Integration of these groups is crucial in ensuring accountability in the delivery of the project’s objectives. The various teams tend to have different responsibilities despite the need for constant communication to avoid redundancy and conflicts in instances whereby other team’s work depends on the other (Wells, 2012, pp.43). The major issue that the organization faced entails poor communication between the various groups. The lack of effective communication between the different organs of the project presented a significant challenge to the success of the project hence the delay in the achievement of the project objectives. The problem in communication resulted in the development of communication management plan as a way of resolving the conflict (McFarland, 2002, pp.117; Kezsbom, 2001, pp.4).

The emergence of conflicts during the project implementation presented a significant challenge to the success of the project. The conflicts emerged due to the variance in the objectives and attitudes between the various teams. The fact that the project saw the necessity for the people coming together towards facilitating the achievement of the objectives, the occurrence of conflicts seemed inevitable (Sinclair & Sinclair, 2009, pp.345). The conflicts mainly emerged due to the disagreements regarding certain aspects of what needs to be done and the team expected to perform the tasks.

Methodologies and Processes

The adoption of the project management methodologies is crucial for ensuring the provision of adequate support to the governance structure of the project (Norrie, 2008, pp.124). Some of the notable methods and processes adopted in ensuring the success of the project entail the project models that are modeled alongside the project lifecycle and ensuring that the organizational structure has clear roles. Additionally ensuring that the firm adopts templates for documentation is crucial in ensuring accountability of the various teams working on the project (Perrin, 2008, pp.102). The development of the clear guidelines for adapting the methodologies to the different situations played a major role in ensuring the timely resolution of the emerging conflicts.

The adoption of the standardized method of the execution of the project is crucial in ensuring the use of consistent terminologies applicable to every team (Kerzner & Saladis, 2009, pp.87). Furthermore, the standardized methodology ensures that there is a common understanding of the responsibilities associated with the various roles of the teams. The success in executing the project as well necessitates consistency in documentation across the different departments charged with the task of developing the project (Söderlund, 2002, pp.419). There is also the necessity for ensuring encouragement of greater mobility of the staff between the projects whereby they are free to interact with the members of the various teams. The increased mobility plays a crucial role in ensuring timely identification of some of the imminent challenges likely to affect the project adversely (Zhen Yu, Qian, Jian, & Zillante, 2010, pp.659). The adoption of the seemingly tailor-made methodologies in the achievement of the project objectives would be useful as the organization is capable of customizing the method to suit its needs. The application of the basic methodology alongside the development approaches that includes waterfall or agile is crucial.

Reference List

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