Love for Organic Urban Vibrance

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Limit pugilism is how Jacobs introduces her work: “This book is an assault against present city ordering and remodelling.” In contrast to her conversations with top-tier organizers and agents in the field, who regard it as a “”frightful ghetto“” in need of recharging, she depicts a visit to Boston’s North End neighborhood in 1959, saying that it is welcoming, safe, and sound. She swiftly traces the origins of this “universal urbanism,” describing the common belief in urban areas as a “extravagantly educated superstition” that has now permeated the thinking of planners, officials, and financiers in equal measure. “ The High Line - An Appreciation for Organic Urban Vibrancy case study is based on this work of Jane Jacobs ’Life and Death of American Cities.’

Context of the High Line Case Study

The High Line Project goes through some neighborhoods that sometimes ago were habitats for railway transport system and mechanical works. The three neighborhoods include the region of Hudson Rail Yards, the region of Gansevoort Meat Packing District and Far West Chelsea (Jacobs, 1965). The setting mirrors this legacy, with a housing stock that incorporates many carports, processing plants, and stockrooms. The territory is presently under massive renovation weight and has started changing in character. In the course of recent years, Far West Chelsea has turned into a worldwide artistry world center point, with a large portion of the exhibitions that once bunched in SoHo moving into stockrooms and space structures in the vicinity of twentieth and twenty-ninth Street, western side of Tenth Avenue. Along the south end of the High Line, numerous meat handling manufacturing plants are supplanted by originator boutiques and goal eateries in the region of Gansevoort Meat Packing District. Also at High Line north end, the Municipal has started a planned renovation activity that has to incorporate a considerable new commercial and private region, and also multi-utilize games and simultaneous offices.

Picture 1

Location of the High Line

Project Location

High Line coverage is in Phases; Phase 1-covers Gansevoort Street to 20th Street. Phase two covers Twentieth Street up to Thirtieth Street while Phase three covers from Thirtieth Street up to Thirty-fourth Streets (Recovery of this portion of the line took place recently in 2011).

History of High Line Project

Friends of the High Line was formed by Joshua David and Robert Hammond, the residents living in High Line neighborhood in the year 1999 to advocate the protection and reclamation of High Line as open space. Design Trust for Public Space In 2001 to 2002, gives an association to a designer Casey Jones to lead the project study and effort for Recovering the High Line. An arrangement concentrated together and delivered by the Friends of the High Line and Design Trust that lays out arranging system for the High Line’s protection and reclamation process is formed. In March same year, Friends of the High Line increases the Urban bolster-a Municipal Council determination that upholds the High Line’s reclaim. In October the same year, Friends of the High Line carried out a review that shows that the High Line Venture is monetarily balanced: New assessment incomes made by the general population space will be more prominent than the expenses of development. In the year 2002 December, The Urban records with the Government Surface Transportation Board for rail keeping the money, making it a Municipal strategy to save as well as reclaim High Line. In the year 2003 from the month of January up to July, an open thoughts rivalry, ”Planning the High Line,“ requests proposition to come up with ideas on High Line’s reuse. Amazingly, over 720 groups from thirty-six nations registered to compete. Many plan passages by the competitors were shown at Grand Central Terminal to the public.

In the year 2003 July, the City Councils and Friends of the High Line together affirm in the presence of Surface Transportation Board that they agree for High Line renovation and reuse. In September the year 2004, the Friends of the High Line incorporation with the City Municipal of New York to form a procedure to choose an outline group for the High Line reconstruction. The chosen group is Field Operations James Corner who runs a scene design firm, Renfro + Diller Scofidio - a designer company, and specialists in agriculture, building, security, support, open workmanship, and different orders (Lang & Wunsch 2012).  In 2004 September, the New York City, the CSX Transportation Inc. (the Railway Organization), and the New York State mutually agreed with the Surface Transport Board to rail bank High Line. In April the year 2005, a presentation exhibiting the preliminary plan by Diller Scofidio + Renfro and James Corner the founder of Field Operations company opens at the Museum of Modern Art. Finally, in 2012 the twentieth day of September groundbreaking took place for the commencement of the project at Rail Yard. The construction was to be held in three phases and the first stage of the High Light project to be accomplished and commissioned in 20014 (Litscher, 2016).

Picture 2

Site Plan

Picture 3

Image from the High Line

Urban areas as Ecosystems

According to the view of Jacobs (1965), the urban areas operate and behave like living creatures and biological systems. In her opinion, she observed that after some time, structures, boulevards, and neighborhoods work as dynamic life forms, and keep changing because of the way people connect and relate to them. She elucidated how every part of a city that is parks, government, neighborhood, economy, and walkways are working together synergistically, in an indistinguishable way from the common biological community (Jacobs 1965). This understanding helps the people to perceive how built-up areas function, how they separate, and how they better they can be organized. This view of Jacobs relates perfectly to High Line Project (Jacobs 1965). Dissimilar to the typical advancement method that tosses in a recreation center or two as an inducement to make extensive new development extends more agreeable to the people. The push to recycle High Line areas begin with the idea that Open Space can be at the center of neighborhood rejuvenation.

What is more, rather than the city’s major arrangement to build a football playing ground as well as improve those areas toward the northern side, which has produced colossal neighborhood resistance, however, High Line project venture is a model of nearby arranging. It started within the people’s grassroots that incorporated the contribution of neighborhood inhabitants and organizations as it developed reality. According to Joshua, the High Line project is successful due to an amazing and profitable coordinated effort between Friends of the High Line as well as various city organizations, including city parks, the city arranging, the monetary improvement committee and the transportation Organizers (Lang & Wunsch 2012). 

Picture 4

Recent photo of the High Line Streets

Picture 5

Recent photo of the High Line Streets

Blended Use Development

Jacobs pushed for ”blended utilize“ urban improvement - the coordination of various building sorts and uses, regardless of whether private or business, old or new (Lang & Wunsch 2012). As per this thought, urban areas rely on upon an assorted quality of structures, homes, organizations and other non-private uses, and also individuals of various ages utilizing regions at various circumstances of the day, to make group essentialness. She considered urban areas to being ”natural, unconstrained, and chaotic,“ and sees the blending of city users, neighbors as well as other stakeholders as pivotal to financing the urban advancement. The High Line project gives an exceptional, lifted straight viewpoint to the New York City. According to Lang & Wunsch (2012), it is only the High Line Project, build in a transportation corridor passing through the five districts that permit a walker to stroll for twenty-two obstructs without intersection a lonely road, to go through the focal point of city blocks. The High Line allows pedestrians to see from an antique gliding point the midtown high rises, the Hudson River, and the muscular mechanical engineering situated at lower Western Side.

Base up Community Planning

Jacobs challenged the customary arranging approach that depends on the judgment of outside specialists, suggesting that nearby mastery is more qualified to directing group advancement. She constructs her writing in light of accurate understanding and perception, noticing how the recommended government approaches for arranging and advancement are conflicting with the genuine working of city neighborhoods. The High Line project is engineered and spearheaded by the locals which exactly new and understood the needs and operations in the neighborhood. This made the project a big success since it had the full support of the locals.

The Case for Higher Density

Albeit customary arranging hypothesis had reprimanded high thickness for wrongdoing, rottenness, and a large group of different issues, Jacobs discredited these suspicions and showed how a high convergence of individuals is key to city life, monetary development, and flourishing. While recognizing that thickness alone does not create sound groups, she represented through solid cases how higher densities yield a minimum amount of individuals that is fit for supporting more lively groups (Wesselman 2013). In uncovering the contrast between high thickness and congestion, Jacobs scattered numerous myths about high centralizations of individuals.

Nearby Economies

By dismembering how urban areas and their economies develop and develop, Jacobs cast new light on the way of neighborhood economies. She challenged the suspicions that urban communities are a result of agrarian progression; that specific, profoundly effective economies fuel long haul development; and that vast, stable organizations are the best wellsprings of advancement. Rather, she built up a model of neighborhood financial advancement in light of adding new sorts of work to old, advancing independent ventures, and supporting the imaginative driving forces of urban business people (Wesselman 2013). The High Line makes monetary improvement from the higher property estimations got from facade in an open space; from the expanded expense incomes, these higher property estimations produce; and from the money related movement made by new organizations and inhabitants pulled in by the open space.

Limitations and Constrains of the Project

Any project under the sun must at least have some constraints or limitations upon its commencement. High Line major constraints were extreme conditions arising as a result of the elevated structure, leading to exposure to cold from below and above as well as the wind. Another rising challenge is the access to the area. The value of the High Line project is realizable only when the people are willing to visit the area. (Wesselman 2013).


A neglected raised railroad planned for decimation in New York City was utilized to make the High Line - a walkway with greenhouses, spaces to sit and see the city, and spots for eating and mingling. The ’High Line’ ( is a fruitful encapsulation of the general population centered recharging of urban spaces. The outline of the High Line was offered through a plan rivalry. Through the procedure, the High Line space has been renewed and reconsidered from a mechanical space to a green space open for all New Yorkers and guests. A devoted group of volunteers deals with the greenhouses on the High Line year-round. Its changeless group of volunteers accomplice with private organizations for particular activities, for example, the yearly spring reduction of vegetation. By enhancing the physical texture of the city, the High Line has additionally enhanced the city’s social texture by giving expanded chances to social connection, and monetary advantages for the group, pulling in around 20 million guests for every year and more than 450 open projects.


Lang, G., & Wunsch, M. (2012). Genius of common sense: Jane Jacobs and the story of The death and life of great American cities. Boston: David R. Godine, Publisher.

Litscher, M. (2016). Jane Jacobs: The Death and Life of Great American Cities. Schlüsselwerke rschuder Stadtfong, 367-394. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-10438-2_22

Moughtin, C. (2003). Urban design: street and square. Routledge. (Moughtin 2003). 

Jacobs, J. (1965). The death and life of great American cities.

Wesselman, D. (2013). The High Line,”The Balloon,“ and Heterotopia. Space and Culture, 16(1), 16-27.

March 17, 2023


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