Lifestyle Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

Even if you have never written a Lifestyle essay, it does not mean that you have to give up or risk your essay in terms of style and credibility. Take your time to look through our essay samples on Lifestyle that will not only explain how to make things right but also show you several actual samples. Regardless of your topic, you can think about discussing your lifestyle or talk about Instagram or TikTok trends that you know well. Of course, essays on Lifestyle should follow academic rules, which is why you must have an introduction with a good thesis. See how it is done in the essays below and don’t forget to quote every part that is not yours!

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65 views 2 pages ~ 296 words
Conflict and War

War is essentially referred to as the state of society in which individuals are in a conflict marked by the use of weapo...

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Visit to a museum

On April 25th, my friends and I wanted to explore Chicago in order to see one of the world’s largest museums, the Field ...

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Gender equality achievement

Gender equity is a critical human right that must be developed in order to pave the foundations for a stable and prosper...

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