Lesson plan advantages of utilizing concrete

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This lesson will teach the advantages of utilizing concrete. The learner will get knowledge of the best ways to mix concrete and the structures that best suit the material’s use.

A history of the world’s construction will also be examined, highlighting the evolution of construction throughout history.

The session will also teach the pupils about figures, counting, and other topics that will keep them involved and motivated to study.

Factors in the classroom and among students

The pupils will be divided into groups based on their age and gender. The target is to have a better interpersonal skill among the students and the ways of interpreting the content.

They will further be clustered based on intellectual capacity offering assistance to the student that has a slow rate of grasping information.



The student will be able to develop professional training guides that provide technical support. They will then ensure a baseline proficiency in technology support

The lesson falls under the unit of communication. Improving technology support will require practices of solving problems, help an individual achieve their goals, and exceed particular expectations.



The opening of the lesson will involve acts of introducing open ended activities that will generate multiple responses from the students. The segment will last for an approximated 30 minutes

The teaching process will include the use of discussion in groups, finding out the sections that will require more attention. Samples diagrams will also be used to illustrate the construction programs. The segment will last for 2.5 hours

The closure of the class will involve the acts of role play. The activity will be carried out in the last five minutes. The students will not be corrected during this session as it may interrupt the flow.

The introduction of a scorecard method will help analyze a student’s progress in learning. The students that attain little marks in the score card will then be subjected to extra training programs that will improve their learning.

Secondly, an analysis is then made to interpret the progress of the slow learning student in comparison to their previous results. As a teacher, I will then evaluate the various sections of the lesson that needs improvement, guiding the student to the attainment of better marks.


Key Vocabulary



Dome: it refers to a structure that resembles the hollow upper half of a sphere.

Gable: it is a deltoid quota of a wall below the age of an inclined roof

Lintel: it’s a straight beam spanning the top part of a door

Blueprint: it’s the design plan

The teaching of these vocabularies will involve the use of images, creating an ease in understanding the context.

The language used during the lesson will create a model of analyzing architecture terminologies. It creates a motive of developing expertise in the construction industry.

The student will demonstrate the understanding of these terms through application in creating statements. It is also applicable in the process of explaining certain concepts in the lesson

The utilization of discussion sessions will produce an improvement in the understanding of the language.

The use of independent learning sessions in the class will play a significant role in the teaching process.

Additionally, the practical session will also assist in the process of understanding that language that is used in the session. These students will have the ability to demonstrate the ways of applying these concepts.

Instructional Materials, Equipment and Technology

Timber, steel, nails, Smart TVs, and binding wires


The grouping process will involve a mixture of the brightest students and the slow learners. The aim is to offer assistance to the slow learners to grasp the information being taught in the class.

However, interpretation of information will be spearheaded by a group leader


After creating the lesson plan, I realized that the student would have greater exposure to the attainment of developmental skill that will benefit the society. I also expect multiple responses from the students as the practical section of the lesson. The class will have an opportunity to reflect the sections that were a difficulty thus improving their model of understanding. According to Kammerer (2013), the application of a scorecard will provide the structure of the strategy. Additionally, it will make it easy communicating with the approach used in the teaching session. The plan will help a student overcome the challenges of performance management and implementation of the learning strategy (Keller, 2011).

The technology used by the teacher will offer a change in the student’s attendance in comparison to the previous lessons. For example, the use of smart TV’s during the teaching process will provide a clear view of the material that is used in the construction field. Polly, Mims, & Persichitte (2012), further elaborates that technology in the classes prepares the students for the future. Education in the classrooms is not only concerning memorizing vocabulary and facts, but it offers a chance to solve the complex problems during the lessons. The application of this strategy will help track a student’s progress while in class.


Kammerer, M. (2013). Balanced scorecard - advantages and disadvantages. Place of publication not identified: Grin Verlag Ohg.

Keller, A. (2011). Balanced scorecard - what are the advantages for admeco? Place of publication not identified: Grin Verlag.

Polly, D., Mims, C., & Persichitte, K. A. (2012). Developing technology-rich teacher education programs: key issues. Hershey: Information Science Reference.

March 17, 2023
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Knowledge Construction Study

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