leaders language

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In order to effectively communicate with a congregation, a leader must carefully select their words and speaking patterns. The speech you choose will determine whether the audience pays attention to you or not (Murray, 2012). A motivational speaker named Tim Urban, a blogger on Ted Talks, was employed to help people understand the presentations. He was addressing a live audience during a rare speech about procrastination and its effects. Blogger made an effort to educate them on procrastination, its causes, and the enormous negative effects it has on people later in life. The sole purpose of the talks to the audience was to help them stop its occurrence, and this purpose did not change from the beginning to the end. It makes his speech perfect, as he did not bring a lot of in addressing them; he used different techniques and rhetorical strategies to convey his message. The speaker performed facial expressions and hand gestures to drive his point. He also used logical fallacies where he explained how different people with different professions all have reached unto him about the issue on procrastination. Urban (2017) explained that individuals, who constantly procrastinate, feel they are only spectators in their lives and end up being unhappy eternally. In addressing his views, he used different styles of speech, whereby they were simple, short, and clear. The speaker was addressing them in a passive voice making the listeners internalize what they are being told. A lot of diagrams were used for the audience, which appeared in cartoons like photos to help him drive the point to the people easily. It makes a clear visualization giving an understandable meaning on what he was saying.

Tim Urban wanted his topic to be felt and help people change their views; therefore, he used a lot of emphasis on important areas. His speech pattern changed consequently, making an alteration in the intonations every time. In addressing an audience, there are more ways to convey your message. The best way to do it is not by making those, who one is addressing, feel uncomfortable all the way through the speech.


Murray, K. (2012). The language of leaders: How top CEOs communicate to inspire, influence and achieve results. London: Kogan Page.

Urban, T. (2017). Neuralink and the Brain’s Magical Future. Retrieved on July 11, 2017 from https://waitbutwhy.com/2017/04/neuralink.html

March 10, 2023
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Leader Motivation Audience

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