Juvenile Recidivism

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The negative impacts of exposing juveniles to adult-targeted penalties are the main focus of this study. According to several studies (such as Cottle & Heilbrun, 2001), using adult legal procedures when dealing with young people is harmful and that the best approach is rehabilitative rather than punishing (Petrosino & Buehler, 2003; Carney & Buttell, 2003). This study investigates experiences with existing program formats as well as self-awareness.

Semi-structured interviews are the first data collection technique. Semi-structured interviews concentrate on gathering data that is both narrowly targeted and comprehensive. Semi-structured interviews necessitate an experienced researcher and an adaptable, topic-driven interview structure. Data collection method 2: Surveys. Surveys allow for the collection of a large amount of specific information. Often conducted anonymously, participants answer set questions which may be multiple choice, open, rating scales, or a combination thereof.

A comparison of semi-structured interviews and surveys. Both semi-structured interviews and surveys may provide useful information on this topic. Semi-structured interviews will allow for the gathering of focused information which is pertinent to the topic. The interviewer may develop rapport with the participant, encouraging the divulgence of potentially sensitive information in a safe environment through prompting in addition to the set questions. Often the information emerging during a face-to-face interview is clearer and more useful. Since this type of method is highly personal, rapport between the interviewer and participant is essential. The lack of strict formal structure can result in deviations from the topic if not monitored by the researcher. Should the interviewer and participant fail to develop sufficient rapport, the information provided may be less than honest and ultimately lack usefulness. Conversely, also due to the face-to-face nature of the semi-structured interview, participants could also be less likely to divulge sensitive information. An alternative method to gather similar data in a manner, which is less likely to create discomfort and non-disclosure, is the anonymous survey.

The (often) anonymous nature of surveys often encourages a level of disclosure over and above personal interviews. Surveys are easier to administer than semi-structured interviews, requiring less researchers and lesser training on the part of the researcher. However, surveys often limit responses to predefined issues, resulting in a loss of important data. This is remediated by unstructured (open) survey questions although the researcher then runs the risk of the participant straying off topic, leaving the question blank or misunderstanding the question. Participants are often likely to forget to complete the survey or not view the topic as important, leading to a lower response rate.

Both surveys and semi-structured interviews can yield valuable information if used appropriately. Although semi-structured interviews often yield personal data and themes which may not have been considered by the researcher, they may create discomfort or lack of disclosure if rapport is insufficient. This may be remediated by using surveys although this is at the risk of lack of response, misunderstanding and restricted data.

Practical Use of Semi-Structured Interviews and Surveys

Both surveys and semi-structured interviews may yield valuable data but each comes with its own practical challenges. It is a challenge for the researcher to remain neutral when interviewing offenders which creates challenges in gathering appropriate information and creating good rapport with the participant. Keeping semi-structured interviews on track and pertinent can be challenging. Using this method is often emotionally challenging for the researcher and participant. Although surveys prove to be less demanding on the researcher emotionally, the wide-scale administration can be challenging. Surveys distributed to many individuals involved in rehabilitation programs yield large amounts of data which has to be cleaned, coded and analysed. This is particularly challenging when utilising open-ended questions in surveys. This method is highly resource intensive and can be frustrated at times if participants do not provide information strictly relevant to the researcher’s topic.

Ensuring Alignment of Data Collection Methods with Research Questions

The purpose of data collection in research is the gathering of pertinent information. An analysis of the research question indicates the need for relevant, focused information which also supplies insights into a relatively unexplored topic. Both surveys and semi-structured interviews can serve this purpose. When aligning research questions to data collection methods, several important considerations must be noted: the purpose of the study (e.g. exploratory), the level of detail required, the later use of the data (e.g. adjustment of programs versus formal statistical comparisons of locations), and the personnel/resources available to answer the research questions. For the purposes of exploring possibilities surrounding juvenile recidivism programs, rehabilitation versus punitive consequences and policies regarding programs, both structured information pertaining to known topics and in-depth information surrounding the issue is required. Appropriate information is yielded by a method which combines these needs.

March 15, 2023

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