Introvert vs. Extrovert

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In a scientific analysis of behavior, some people tend to be shy and reluctant in interacting with people socially or forming friendships. Such people are introverts. When in a group, these calibers of people maintain silence and desist from contributing to the topic of discussion. Introverts focus their energy on internal thoughts instead of external interaction and debate with other persons. On the other hand, extroverts are persons who exhibit confidence when interacting with people at social gatherings by contributing to the topic under discussion. Such people are friendly and easily interact with others, especially on new grounds. Introverts and extroverts represent two sides of a coin that are incredibly different.

The primary similarity between introverts and extroverts is the origin of their stimulation. Human beings generate excitement from the release of dopamine in the brain (Braverman 71). The chemical pushes the body to seek external appreciation from the people. However, the release of the compound is slower for introverts as opposed to extroverts. For example, an action that is enough to excite an extrovert will not bear the same results for the introvert. That effect from dopamine explains the varied responses given by introverts and extroverts in reaction to the environment. A topic that triggers the release of dopamine for an extrovert might not have any effect on a loner. Therefore, their responses differ.

Introverts and extroverts process their ideas very differently. For an introvert, the process between thinking and speaking is strategic (Santos 166). The person thinks slowly and plans his/her ideas systematically before speaking. The systematic analysis slows down their response to questions and contributions to discussions. For an extrovert, the process of thinking and talking takes part concurrently. Extroverts spend a limited amount of time between thinking and speaking. As soon as the person generates a response to a particular topic, he/she speaks out the ideas immediately. The thinking process reduces the time spent in responding to an argument for an extrovert while increasing the time for an introvert.

Introverts have a small number of friends as compared to extroverts. Due to their preference for internal thoughts instead of external interactions, introverts take a long time to trust people. The limited interaction makes it hard for them to form strong friendships that require an extended period to establish a stable foundation. On the other hand, extroverts interact with many people, from their preferences to external socialization. The conversations held with strangers contribute immensely to the fastened formation of friendships as well as their maintenance (Brain 168). Extroverts take a short time to trust people due to open communication and flexibility in their abilities to hold conversations on different topics.

The dopamine produced in the minds of human beings is critical to the excitement experienced by different persons. A faster release makes the person active, while a slower discharge makes the individual passive. The rate of release is the differentiating factor between introverts and extroverts. Introverts tend to be shy, slow in contributing to discussions and possess a few numbers of friends. Extroverts possess many friends due to their outgoing nature and their primary trait of natural interaction with strangers. Introverts prefer concentrating on their internal thoughts, which makes them silent and preserves them. However, extroverts prefer interacting with the external environment through conversations and physical games. Therefore, team efforts work best for the extroverts.

Works Cited

Brain, Christine. Advanced psychology: applications, issues and perspectives. Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes, 2002. Print.

Braverman, Eric R. The Edge Effect: achieve total health and longevity with the balanced brain advantage. New York: Sterling Pub. Co, 2004. Print.

Santos, Myrna. An Introvert in an Extrovert World: Essays on the Quiet Ones. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015. Print.

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