Introversion vs extroversion

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Understanding introversion and extroversion helps one understand him/herself and others better. Introversion and extroversion are all about how people relate to themselves and the world around them. The major difference between the two is how one decides to spend his/her time.  Introverts enjoy more time to themselves and are particularly aware of their internal thoughts. They recharge more in solitude. On the other hand, extroverts are often more outspoken and outgoing and love being around other people.

The following signs indicate that one is an introvert. They include: one enjoys spending time on his/her own, recharging after a busy week or a period of activity on your own; you are afraid of spending time with a bigger group of friends; and you easily get lost in your thoughts and need time to process things (Burger, 2018).

The following signs indicate that one is an extrovert: You enjoy spending time around other people rather than on your own; you like spending time in the company of others as you recharge; you like being the center of attraction; you are talkative and a social kind of person who loves parties and gatherings with lots of new people (Livingston, 2019).

Typically, classifying myself as either an extrovert or an introvert, I consider myself more extroverted than introverted. I feel refuelled and filled up after being with a crowd and connecting with new people (Yadegari & Alinaghi, 2020). There is also a small percentage of me that feels introverted since, after a hectic process of an activity, I feel the need to have some me-time and be on my own. I consider myself in the middle category, i.e. extroverted-introvert.
Knowing whether we are introverted or extroverted will help us improve the quality of our lives, thereby contributing to our happiness.

The salivation from the passage is quite high, above average. Eysenck would say I am more extroverted due to my sociability trait. From Eysenck's theory, he describes extraversion as a trait of liveliness and excitability. From the passage, the act of salivation arouses my excitability, hence am highly extraverted.


Burger, J. (2018) Theories of personality (10th ed.). Boston. MA: Cengage.

Livingston, M. (2019). How to tell if you're an introvert or an extrovert. Retrieved from

Yadegari, Z., & Alinaghi, B. (2020). The effect of introversion and Extroverts of individuals in the socialization of public space. Technium Social Sciences Journal, 3(1), 82-93.

April 01, 2023


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