Implications of Conflict in the Workplace to both the Individual and Organization

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All companies experience conflict on a regular basis. Lack of clear communication of the task that has to be accomplished by a person frequently results in conflict. Even though the majority of the effects of conflict are thought to be negative, it can also have good effects.

Employees may experience mental difficulties as a result of a quarrel if they continue to feel frustrated. This frequently happens when individuals believe there is little hope for a resolution or that their opinions are unheard within the business. Sleep deprivation, headaches, loss of appetite, and lack of motivation could be the results of this. This could be detrimental to the performance of the organization since its members lack the motivation to work at their optimal best, and hence lowering productivity. When organizations are forced to focus most of their resources on solving conflicts in the workplace, it diverts attention from the organizational goals and objectives, which leads to poor performance (Henry 2009, p. 17-18). Conflict in the workplace has also been associated with a high rate of staff turnovers.

Nonetheless, conflict also has positive implications for the organization. Conflict leads to creativity and inspires innovation in the organization. Therefore, without conflict employees would not be challenged to think creatively as they devise methods of limiting the challenges. During conflict resolution, employees share different ideas and opinions, which develops respect among the members of the organization (Henry 2009, p 19-20). As members engage in critical thinking to solve conflicts, the organization becomes a learning entity, which increases its productivity and efficiency.

Disadvantages and Advantages of Conflict Resolution Mechanisms to the Individuals and Organization

The advantages of conflict resolution mechanisms to the individual are that it reduces the challenges that employees face in the workplace, and hence allows them to redirect their focus and attention towards attaining organizational goals and objectives. It also ensures that employees develop respect and appreciate the opinion of other members of the organization (Ayoko & Pekerti 2008, p. 298-300). Organizations also benefit from higher productivity and performance since its employees are totally focused on attaining organizational goals and targets.

The disadvantage of conflict resolution mechanisms is that they prevent disagreements in the workplace, and hence it stifles creativity and innovation that results from brainstorming on how to solve different challenges (Ayoko & Pekerti 2008, p. 300). This does not only hinder individual creativity, but it also decreases the extent to which the organization learns leading to lower performance and productivity.

List of References

Ayoko, O. B., & Pekerti, A. A. 2008. The mediating and moderating effects of conflict and communication openness on workplace trust. International Journal of Conflict Management, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 297-318.

Henry, O. 2009. Organizational Conflict and its effects on Organizational Performance. Research Journal of Business Management, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 16-24.

March 02, 2023


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Company Conflict Employee

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