Implementation of Digital Solution for Seamus Company

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Seamus Company has not achieved much success in achieving the sales targets for some of the new products introduced into the market. The company has been incurring high cost of operations and the CEO of the company requires a solution to solve the challenges. The best suitable option that could enable the firm minimize the cost and improve the quality of products is by installing a website. The website will enable the students have access to the company’s products through the internet. In addition, the solution will increase the revenues of the business since it will be possible to the entity to sell products in many countries. The objectives of the project are to increase the number of customers purchasing the company’s products and minimize the cost of operations. The total cost of the initial phase of implementing the project will be $10,000 with an additional fee of $1,000 that will be charged annually for maintenance. The firm that is providing the software has 10 years expertise in providing solution to the small and medium sized enterprises.


Proposed Solution

The proposed solution for Seamus Company is to create a website that would allow the users access the price and pay for the services online. All the company’s data should be transferred in the website to enable users have access to all the products offered. The solution is the best option for the organization given the growth in the use of technology around the globe. According to Taylor (2016), there are more than 47% people in the world who have access to the internet. One of the components that will be included in the website is student’s tutorial on ways of improving their grammar. The website will also contain an interactive section that allow students to post some of the questions that are difficult to solve. Another component that will be included in the website is a link that would lead the students to a different platform that has the video games. In addition, the website should include soft copy of the comic books and the action figures. The reason why the company has not achieved sales in the comic books is because students are interested more in things that they can relate to and, therefore, using computers to access the books would be the most ideal way of increasing revenues.

How Organizations Have Implemented the Solutions

            There are various businesses that have grown due to their ability to adapt to technological changes. According to Nadeem, Abedin, Cerpa, and Chew (2017), technological transformation is the process by which a firm redesigns its business processes to improve on efficiency and minimize the cost of operations. Currently, most of the multinational leaders are incorporating digital transformation into their model of business to create a competitive edge and, therefore, survive in the industry (Nadeem et al., 2017). Business must be willing to change their usual way in which operations are conducted and adapt to changes in the market. One of the companies that have implemented digital strategy is AIG. AIG automated most of its business process and this has the led to a reduction in cost since it does not require to employ many people in the business (Rayome, 2018). Another company that has succeeded due to the automation of its services is General Electric. GE reported an increase of 20% in its revenues due to the introduction of a software device that could track the operations of the business (Rayome, 2018). John Deere, a company that manufactures agricultural products created a digital platform center that could provide the farmers with more information about farms and equipment (Rayome, 2018). The transformation made by John Deere is a clear indication that digital transformation can work in all sector and yield more returns for the business.

Goal, Objectives, and Deliverables

            One of the ways in which the goals and objectives will be achieved is by setting specific target. The goals of the proposed solution are to improve the efficiency of the company, improve the quality of products offered to the customers, and minimize the cost of business operation. The other way in which the goals and objectives will be achieved is by outlining the measures that will be used during the implementation stage. The performance measurement will include the extent to which the cost of operation for the company has reduced and an increase in the revenues. In addition, a specific timeline will be identified to determine the time the company will take to achieve the required results. The results of the solutions will be visible six months from the time the digital platform is implemented. If the management implements the project successfully, the revenues are expected to increase by 5% after six months and grow by 10% by the end of the year. The costs of operations are expected to reduce by 8% one year after the digital platform has been rolled out.

Project Timeline

            The project will take up to six months for its to be fully integrated into the company’s operations. In the first and second month, the website will be developed and its will include all the features identified in section one above. The creation of the website will take a short duration since the client has provided all the content that should be included. During the third month, the software will be tested to determine its functionality before it is presented to Seamus Company for review. Seamus Company will take two months to test the functionality of the project and provide feedback on the areas that should be improved on.

Resources and Cost

            One of the resources that will be required to build the website is the domain name. The domain name will have to be registered and the cost will be $11.49 (, 2018). The other resource that will be required is the content management software. The cost of the CMS will be included in the total price charged to Seamus Company. Building the website will also require the skills of an IT expert. The total. During the implementation stage, the project will require 5 additional IT experts to train the employees of Seamus Company about the security features and other components if the website. The total cost that will be charged to Seamus Company will be $10,000 and a maintenance cost of $1,000 each year.

Evaluation Framework

            According to Pasanen and Shaxson (2016), the evaluation framework is a useful tool that is utilized to measure the success of a project. The evaluation framework of Seamus Company includes the objectives, indicators, frequency, the roles and responsibility, and the person to whom the results should be reported to. Seamus Company’s management would be able to track the achievements made due to the implementation of the project and the areas that need rectification. The table below outlines the evaluation framework that the CEO of Seamus Company will utilize to measure the success of the implemented plan.




The Managers who will measure it

Reported to

Increase the sales of the business

A percentage increase in revenues

An increase in the number of consumers


Director of sales and the chief finance officer

Chief executive officer

Marketing the digital platform

Would be determined by the number of people visiting the website


Director of marketing

Chief operating officer

Increasing the traffic of the website

Percentage of new customers asking about the products offered by the company


Director of IT

Chief operating officer

Reduction in cost of operations

Percentage reduction in the income statement’s cost of operation


Chief finance officer

Chief executive officer

Improved quality of service

An increase in demand for the products offered by the company


Director of supply management

Chief operating officer

Enhanced efficiency in business operation

Time taken to serve customers who request products via the internet.

Time taken to serve the customers at the company’s premises


Director of sales

Chief operating officer


            Seamus Company does not have a website through which it can sell its products. The students and schools have access to internet and, hence, using a digital platform would be one of the ways of increasing the business revenue. Also, the website will be used to market the company’s product across the globe leasing to in increase in sales and profitability. The website will lead to a reduction in cost of operations since the company will not require many employees to at the business premises. Hence, implementation of the websites is the ultimate solution of meeting Seamus Company’s business priorities.

Cover Letter

ABC Technical Advisers




Seamus Company

The Chief Executive Officer


Dear Madam,

Ref: Request for Proposal

            I am writing to inform you of the interest of our company in providing a solution that will enable the company increase its sale. The solution is intended to enable the firm improve its efficiency in business operation, enhance the quality of products and minimize the cost of operations.

            The suitable option that the business requires is a website through which students can access the products offered by the company. The Website will also provide a platform through which the business can make its products known across the globe. Due to the increase in the number of students who have access to internet and technological gadgets, offering some of the company’s products via the internet will act as a way creating new revenue streams for the business.

            Kindly, find attached the attached request for proposal detail for more detail about the implementation and the cost of the website.

Yours Sincerely



            The solution that is required to reduce cost, improve quality, and enhance the business operations is adapting to digital technology by investing in a website. The website will enable the students have access of the company’s products even when on holiday. In addition, the website will act as a platform through which the business can inform potential consumers around the world about its products.


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Pasanen, T., and Shaxson, L. (2016). How to Design a Monitoring and Evaluation Framework

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Rayome, A.D. (2018). 10 companies that are spearheading digital transformation in their

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Taylor, A. (2018). 47 percent of the world’s population now use the Internet, study says.

Retrieved 18th April, 2018 from (2018). Check Domain Availability. Retrieved 17th April, 2018 from

September 11, 2023
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