Impact of Business Process Reengineering on Employees

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In management, Business Process Reengineering refers to the modification of the primary activities in the business to realize a higher quantity of production, a reduced time as well as improved quality. The process seeks to eliminate delays that lead to longer production time and deterioration of quality. BPR capitalizes on two significant steps namely: creating a cross-functional team and the introduction of technology in data analysis for the improvement of the decisions made in the business. The steps above fulfill the critical function of ensuring the company meets all the diversified needs fronted by the customers. In the paper, the company under consideration is The Boots Company in the UK. The company, named after the original owner John Boot, operates internationally in countries such as Thailand, Norway, and Ireland. The diversity of customers exposes the company to varying needs making BPR an opportune process.

The study collected information through questionnaires presented to the employees in the business to ascertain the impact of BPR on the employees’ performance and morale. More so, the answers will determine the administrative tools necessary to mitigate the effects of BPR. The results obtained demonstrate that BPR makes the company more competitive in delivering the services to the client. However, it was important to note that the process required the full support of the employees through prior communication for their support. Some of the workers expressed displeasure at the mode of communication but acknowledged that BPR increases the moral as well as the productivity of each employee. Lastly, the paper established that technological advancement such as the use of computer technology was critical in making the process successful. The computers assisted in the analysis of data to determine essential trends such as the demand for goods as well as any shift in the market. As such, the data preserved ensured positive outcome through the Business Reengineering Process.

January 19, 2024

Business Economics Life

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