if you cannot follow simple instructions how can you lead the military

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Leadership is a subject that is both ancient and new in the world. Key characteristics of good leadership are now ingrained in many of the military’s teaching, tactics, doctrines, procedures, codes, and even everyday conversations. Despite the exceptional interest paid in the military and other organizations around the world, society places a high value on what it takes to be a successful leader. The concept of a successful leader in the military sense stretches beyond the universal qualities of any leader in any region (Balkundi and Harrison 52). A good leader must pose various specific positive characteristics together with unique attributes as well as skills to enable anyone in such positions to perform their duties in compliance with the laws. Contextualizing what it means to be a good leader, it is essential at this stage to clearly define the term leadership. According to Henri Fayol and other early academicians, leadership refers to the process where a leader ingeniously directs, guides as well as influence the work and duties of other military officers work through using specific procedures to attain the intended goals or objectives.

What it means to be a good leader

In this regard, being a good leader means a lot in military field is more than just what business community considers as one. However, certain foundational leadership skills among military commanders have proven fundamental in nurturing a person to be a real leader in this field. According to the 39th chief of state of the Army in the U.S. General Mark A. Milley precisely outline certain traits one has to pose to become a good leader.

First, to be a good leader in the military field, one must be able to identify fundamental objectives that should be accomplished within the available time frame. The first rule in leadership is for the top management team to settle for a worthy goal (Balkundi and Harrison 65). In the military, any leader ought to advocate for vehemently goals and objectives worth the soldiers’ efforts as well as risks. Hence, it is only leaders who have such insights and capable and implementing such goals should be referred to be a good leader.

Second, gathering a lot of intelligence by one person. In the military, intelligence data and information is essential in the smooth operation of the units. In the army operations, it wiser for the Lieutenants leader in any group to critically conduct an analysis of the nature of the surrounding environment before authorizing ground operations (Rost 125). Such skills also apply in other business fields where the manager must continually conduct market analysis to find out the possible opportunities worth committing resources.

Third, being a good leader requires one to be more reliable, wise, prudent as well as responsible at all times. These characteristic are also of significance particularly for a leader who carries the fate and destiny of any group where he or she is charged with the mandate. A real leader acts in a way that he or she gathers the trust and the confidence of the people under his or her discretion of authority (Rost 150). Building trust requires mental maturity on the side of any leader to prevent him or her acting on his or her whims and in so doing anticipate the consequences of the decisions. Finally, for a person to have the caliber of being good leader require a lot of dedication, passion as well as a lot of intrinsic critical thinking when making individual decisions (Rost 300). Acting in such a manner assist a person in authority in knowing what is achievable in the prevailing circumstances. Sometimes it is necessary as a leader to make an individual decision in situations where the general environment impedes consultations with other officials.

Significance of following simple instructions

Following simple instructions, especially to fine details is incredibly important for numerous reasons. Going by the history of human creation, adhering to the orders given was not only essential to current people but all to their future generations since what we undertake currently has consequence effects on the generations to come. Hence, doing so is critical to both personal life development and successful accomplishing the tasks and the duties one in assigned. According to the Socrates, the unexamined life is not worth living anywhere in this world. Therefore, having a meaning full life requires one to follow instructions.

In the forces, following instructions fall under the seven core values of the military. Values such as respect, loyalty, honor, integrity, and personal courage are only achievable if and only instructions adhere to the latter. Since any form of disrespect of any kind can enormously impede the functions of the units and their operations. Additionally, this can also, give the enemy soft landing spot in cases where the military forces are on the battlefields. Additionally, following simple instructions is also required in corporate businesses to enable managers and the employees in those firms to work harmonically (Balkundi and Harrison 54).

In the academic field, following instructions is paramount for both the learners and tutors in learning institutions from the lowest to the highest level of education. Teachers or tutors will be in a position of determining whether students understand the concepts they suppose to cover within the time. Students will also receive guidance or assistance if their follow instructions. Additionally, having a society of anchored on peace and tranquility depends on the level of understanding and following of simple instructions (Rost 350). Following the laws and regulations of any sovereign country requires the citizens to be self-obedience which requires adhering to simple instructions. Therefore, adhering to simple rules in the society is the cornerstone of peace and tranquility in the world.

How I can lead others

Since I commenced my schooling in preparatory up to first-year college student, I have dedicated my time reading several management books for both the ancient and modern world. Through reading, I have familiarized myself with several tools and procedures of management. However, analyzing the current crop of leaders’ failure descends upon them even those had vision of being great leaders (Goodstein and Prien 45). Hence, for one to properly lead other, one has to take the following issues in their form of leadership during their tenure in position or office.

First, setting clear objectives and goals that are achievable within the period by all the actors tied with the responsibility. In so doing, it is necessary to involve the executors of theses duties. During this process, as a leader, I must ensure the goals set are achievable. At this stage, it requires me to lead by example by showing the charisma, urge as well as dedication so as to uplift teamwork (Goodstein and Prien 75). Building a strong bond of working among members requires a leader to mitigate the level of criticism or too much complain about group members but initiate better means of handling any form of disputes or misunderstanding within the work environment.

Secondly, giving sincere and honest praise as well as appreciation among the members who had done exemplary well in their duties assigned to them. Since nearly everyone in the world desire significance recognition, the simplest way of fulfilling this is by giving motivation where necessary but ensuring it does not act as an obstacle to performance improvement (Judge, Colbert, and Ilies 542).

Finally, being sensitive to current issues affecting the operations of the group is paramount as a leader in a position of detecting where problems may arise and taking appropriate measures. Solving the problems mandates me to show my juniors by examples to raise their confidence and stimulate teamwork.

Works CitedTop of Form

Balkundi, Prasad, and David A. Harrison. “Ties, leaders, and time in teams: Strong inference about network structure’s effects on team viability and performance.” Academy of Management Journal 49.1 (2014): 49-68.

Goodstein, Leonard D, and Erich P. Prien. Using Individual Assessments in the Workplace: A Practical Guide for Hr Professionals, Trainers, and Managers. San Francisco, CA: Pfeiffer, 2012.

Judge, Timothy A., Amy E. Colbert, and Remus Ilies. “Intelligence and leadership: a quantitative review and test of theoretical propositions.” Journal of Applied Psychology 89.3 (2014): 542.

Rost, Joseph C. “Leadership, and Management.” Leading Organizations: Perspectives for a new era (2011): 114-397.

October 25, 2022

Management Workforce

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