human resources and bank of america

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Human Resource Planning

Human resource planning is a procedural planning process that determines an organization’s present and potential human resource needs in order to match the priorities and desired strategies. Various tactics can be used, such as recruiting the staff on merit and distributing them equally. People with disabilities, too, must be offered a chance; consistent recruiting based on merit positions the company as caring for the people of America. Managers must be aware of the new working climate, including existing hires and their abilities. To assist the human resources department in determining whether each employee is prepared and capable of achieving the company’s goals (Whiting, 2003).

Collaborative Working Relationships

Secondly, coming up with a collaborative working relationship with employees helps in maintaining a higher workforce, hence improving the quality of work experience. The retention capacity in a job is directly proportional to the amount of time a worker spends within the job description. A friendly working environment will lead to maximization of mutual benefit between the employer and employee respectively.

Discipline and Payroll Management

Instilling discipline among the workforce will result in a mature mode of working. Well-stated methods of handling errand workers define how the employees will conduct themselves when discharging their duties. However, the management ought to be disciplined too. They should have a real payroll for workers in time to motivate and instill confidence in their work (Thomas, 2007).


In conclusion, a good described human resource strategy will foster the success of a business organization. The three basic strategies discussed above will go in handy to an organization that looks forward achieving its mission and goals. Besides, if the policies are not implemented in the right manner and minus good will from the employers and employees, then the organization is bound to fail.


Bank of America Crisis. (2014). Bank of America Mortgage Crisis.

Reilly, P., (2003). Guide to Workforce Planning in Local Authorities, Employ Organization for Local Government, London

HR and Social Media. The Society for Human Resource Management.

Thomas MA. (2007), what is a human resources strategy?

December 21, 2022



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