Human resource management (HRM)

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Human resource management (HRM) is the method of hiring and cultivating employees in order to increase their value to the organization. The human resources department is responsible for ensuring that the limited skilled manpower is used properly and to its full potential. HRM performance entails processes such as staff recruiting, procurement, preparation, growth, and evaluation, as well as employee motivation, pay and benefits, and employee safety (Brewster & Harris, 2016). HRM has experienced tremendous improvements in the last ten years as a result of automation and has automated the majority of the work formerly performed by HR staff. HRM has recently become more involved in business continuity planning, labor relation, and succession planning for proper management of employees to work coherently with the ever changing work dynamics. This essay will analyze recent trends in Human Resource Management.


The HR has various trends

which include co-operating downsizing, work-force diversity, changing skill requirements, decentralized work sites and employee involvement, employee data (on tracking turnover, performance, and attendance), employee experience, and increased need for data and analytical tools (Parry,2013). The success of an organization is majorly reliant on the proficiency of the HRM department in developing the right workforce required in achieving the laid down goals. Every employee should be treated in a unique manner through recognition of exceptional performance and promoting best performance.

Employee experience

is to be taken into consideration when deciding on the development of the workers’ schedule of return. The environment in which employees work together with the tools and techniques that enable their productivity is a must considered area. A memorable employee experience in executing their duties is necessary for cultivating a healthy attitude among the employees thus promoting a good working environment. Therefore a favorable workplace culture meant in strengthening cohesion in the workforce is necessary.

Workplace culture

means the character and personality of an organization. It is the total of what makes an organization unique, and it includes its values, beliefs, interactions, traditions, attitudes and behaviors. The mandate of HR in promoting a right workplace culture which spells out all the shared organizational attributes is very necessary. A healthy workplace culture promotes the effective performance of all the employees in various ways (Parry, 2013):

It drives engagement and retention.

Culture creates a work environment that strengthens employee retention and engagement.

It attracts good talents.

An attractive workplace culture regarding how the employees serve the customers brings in right candidates into the organization.

It impacts satisfaction and happiness.

A healthy workplace culture brings about employee satisfaction and happiness.


is a highly considered trend in the HRM. A high quality working life is necessary for the fruitful performance of the employees. There are two types of needs required in meeting a positive work-life: psychological growth needs and the external work factors. Once met, psychological growth needs create an inside for a worker to maintain or improve on the best working practices. Therefore the HRM department has the mandate to enhance the positive psychological development of the staff. On the other hand, extrinsic job factors are hours, wages and the working conditions. All these factors once considered bring about a stable workforce. Therefore the HRM has a role of collecting necessary data for which is essential in implementing the best workforce program.


is a set of quantitative or qualitative variables. The HRM is mandated to undertake extensive research on employee turnover, performance, attendance, and motivation. Employee turnover should be watched carefully because a high turnover denies specialization and affects the overall work output. Therefore corrective measures are taken to revert the situation to have a low turnover (Lawler, 2015). The HRM also tracks down the overall performance of the organization together with that of the employees. The information attained from the study of performance is used in improving the weak areas in the organization together with developing suitable techniques of improving employee performance. The method of training, replacement or hiring of professionals may be adopted. Generation of attendance sheets is needed to have a clear way of noting any absenteeism among the employees. This aids in ensuring total attendance thereby increasing the organizational performance. The HRM department, therefore, needs to undertake a deep analysis of the collected data and come up with an appropriate way of solving any emerging issue.

HR analysis

is the application of data achieved through continuous research on the work of employees through the use of business analysis techniques. The goal of the research is to provide the organization with insight meant for efficient managing of employees with the intention of efficiently reaching the business goals. In addition to the collection of data, the analysis aims at providing understanding into each step by collecting data and then putting it into use in making relevant decisions on how to improve the processes. The interpretation and drawing of conclusion follow the data collection to get the best way of addressing the issues brought out by the survey. The analysis is supposed to bring out precisely various problems in the organization among many including the multiple generations.

A generation

is a group of individuals having almost the same age. There are five generations working together in most organizations. Each generation has its communication preference, life stage, and priorities. There are various workplace generations, and they include (Lawler, 2015):

iGen Generation


Generation X:

Baby Boomers


This study will only cover the Millennials.

This class of workers is currently 20 to 37 years old. This age range is critical in the workplace because of the wide variety of life events which it covers, ranging from graduation from college to having an independent life. The millennials are becoming divided into two categories with one reaching out on all traditional markers of adulthood than previous generations (Hutchinson, 2013). This group is engaging in career development and wealth accumulation thus commanding more power in the workplace. The other group does not have self-drive in having any significant influence in the immediate surroundings. The divergent grouping raises a big concern in the workplace


The success of an organization relies on the capacity of the Human Resource Department in developing best working procedures and proper selection and development of employees. Once all the trends in the organization are catered for, efficiency in the work delivery by the workers is increased hence improving the overall performance of the organization. Continuous research is supposed to be done to get the understanding of the ever-changing organizational trends.


Brewster, C. & Harris, H. (2016). International human resource management: A ContemporaryHR issues in Europe. New York: Routledge.

Lawler, E. E., & Boudreau, J. W. (2015). Global trends in human resource management: Atwenty-year analysis. Stanford Business Books.

Parry, E., Stavrou, E., & Lazarova, M. B. (2013). Global trends in human resource management.Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.

Hutchinson, S. (2013). Performance Management: Theory and Practice (UK Higher EducationBusiness Management). CIPD - Kogan Page.

December 15, 2022

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HR Management Workforce

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