Human resource department in a corporation

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The human resources department is an important aspect of every corporation. One of its key functions is the benefit function, which serves as the foundation of the organization’s supportive context by offering talented and skilled personnel to handle employee enrichment opportunities and training services. The Heraeus Company’s human resource department clearly executes this duty successfully, as seen through interviews with employees and management. The team created many questions to ask the human resource chiefs during the interview, and they identified some of the areas where the organization excels. Heraeus does a great job as a privately funded benefits administration at providing the lowest possible employee contribution cost. This mainly motivates the lower level employees as they will receive fair salary and benefits from the organizations. Consequently, they can see that their skills and contribution are being recognized and appreciated and this motivates them even to work harder as they will be aiming to get the benefits that the organization gives its employees. Primarily, the human resource department in the organization capitalizes on this strategy to ensure that the employees are on their toes. Furthermore, through such benefits, the organization can retain and attract the best minds in the organization. This has enabled the firm to improve its output and services it offers to the customers.

Comparison with Other Organizations

Furthermore in comparison with other organizations, the national average of Heraeus pays more than most companies its size on employee benefits. This shows that the groups I think provides a significant cost reduction to employees with families that sometimes run into paying tons more for monthly benefits. Heraeus also provides employees with a 401k match up to 5%. Which are another added benefits employees at Heraeus see as an incentive for their employment with the company? The incentives to the employees are necessary as they motivate the employees to work harder towards achieving the organizational goals and objectives. The human resource department is crucial in ensuring that the organization meets it objectively through hiring and recruitment of bets people to work for the company.

Areas of Improvement

There are some areas in the organization that needs improvement. Although Heraeus has a wellness program that provides incentive, I think promoting and selecting challenges and incentives based on employee feedback is an area that can be improved. Although the goal is to empower and encourage employees to be proactive about their health initiatives, I think more can be done in making the activities more engaging and interactive. Furthermore, the benefits of the organization should be uniform to all employees as we identified different incentive to employees for the same work done. This is not a good strategy, as it does not show unity among the workers as some will feel neglected and their issues may not be taken care off.

Creating a Strategy for Employee Benefits

The company needs to come up with a strategy that acknowledges all the contributions of the employees and the benefits should be calculated according to the performance of the workers. Uniformity is a good strategy, and it should apply to all levels within the organization to keep the employees motivated. Furthermore, the organization might be paying the employees above the national average which is a good strategy but the question remains it is enough for the work done or does it compensate the work performed.

Harmonizing Benefits and Attractiveness

Heraeus is one of the few companies with the best policies that acknowledges the benefits of the human resource department to the organization and employees. The organization uses some of it better policies such as good pay to its employees to stay competitive in the markets. This is the main reason why the organization has been able to flourish as it is able to keep it best employees and also attract the best minds in the business. Importantly much need to be done to improve the policies to make the more attractive and considerable. Primarily, the organization needs to harmonize its benefits to ensure that they are uniform across all sections.

May 17, 2023

Business Economics

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