How Can Servant Leadership Transform Boards and be a Transformational in Society?

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Potential for making a big difference in people’s lives is facilitated by servant leadership. It need leadership with a distinct objective to make a difference. Because of this, “”philosophy of welfare“” takes center stage. Leaders who create revolutionary agendas are able to use power, persuasion, and influence (Ronquillo, 2011).

Servant leadership has traits that show it has the power to “”change boards and be transformational in society.“ The dedication to people’s growth is the primary trait. A servant leader believes that people have innate potential that goes beyond what can be seen in their work as workers. Therefore, the servant leader is much concerned with the development and growth of each person in his or her organization. A servant leader usually recognizes the incredible responsibility to nature the professional, spiritual and personal growth of workers and will do everything within his/her power to achieve this goal. In practice, this entails actions like ensuring that funds are available for professional and personal development, promoting the involvement of employees in decision making, acknowledging suggestions and ideas from everyone and seeking other employment opportunities for laid-off workers.

The second characteristic is building the community. The servant leader recognizes that modern human history has lost much because of the shift from indigenous communities to bigger organizations as the main shaper of human lives. This knowledge enables the servant leader to establish techniques and methodologies of building the community among the people who work within a given organization. Servant leadership proposes that creating a true community can be achieved through the individuals who work in businesses and other organizations.

In conclusion, these two characteristics serve to communicate the promise and power that the servant leadership concept provide to individuals who are open to its challenge and invitation.


Ronquillo, J. C. (2011). Servant, transformational, and transactional leadership. Leadership in nonprofit organizations: A reference handbook, 345-353.

March 02, 2023

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