Harry Wong’s Effective Classroom

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Harry K. Wong’s classroom management techniques were among his assets in Effective Classroom. He advised us to establish our classroom routines and processes on the very first day of classes as teachers. This structure will aid in guiding the students toward healthy habits. Successful teachers are able to control their classrooms, whereas ineffective teachers must enforce rules and regulations on their students. We also learn the expression “give me five,” which can be used to refocus the class on you. The class will then count to five using the steps, (1. eyes on speaker, 2. quiet, 3. be still, 4. hands free, 5. listen).


Harry K. Wong’s weaknesses were that his classroom management didn’t include rules. I believe that it is important to have rules in the classroom to establish what is expected. It is also important to have the children help engage in the process of creating the rules, for them to better understand the choices they make. I would also like to establish a better relationship with my students and though Wong describes attendance taking as wasting five minutes of learning, I would use it to engage the entire classroom in a bonding activity, such as when a student’s name is called, to stand up and name one fun or exciting thing that happened that summer or over the weekend. By doing this, you’re showing interest in who your student is and as a teacher you can even share with the class, so they get to better know you.


“Give me five.”

”The number one problem in the classroom is not discipline; it is the lack of procedures and routines.”






Ababneh, S. (2012). Towards a Better English Classroom: Implementing Effective Classroom Management Strategies. International Journal Of Education, 4(4). doi:10.5296/ije.v4i4.2563

Edwards, C. & Watts, V. (2008). Classroom discipline & management. Milton, Qld.: John Wiley & Sons.

Kagan, Kyle, & Scott’s Win-Win Discipline


Kagan, Kyle, & Scott’s Win-Win Discipline’s strengths were that the strategy involved all the parties involved that is the teachers, students and the teachers as well as focusing on learned responsibility. All the three parties were involved in collaborative creation of solutions to problems.


Kagan, Kyle, & Scott’s Win-Win Discipline’s weaknesses were that the strategy was complicated and that it took a lot of time and energy for it to be consistent.


”Discipline is not something you do to students, but rather something educators help students acquire.”

”Misbehavior is a symptom that indicates that needs are not being met.”






Kagan, S., Kyle, P. & Scott, S. (2004). Win-Win Discipline. SSS

Charles, C.M. (2007). Building Classroom Management, 9th ed., Pearson: New York, NY.

Fred Jones’ Positive Classroom Discipline


One of Fred Jones’ Positive Classroom Discipline strengths was that the strategy involved the teaching of responsibilities to the students. Identifying and preventing behavior problems in the students early enough before they happened was a huge strength of this strategy. Another strength was using of incentives to motivate the students as well as ensuring that they could easily practice and perfect the strategies


Fred Jones’ Positive Classroom Discipline weaknesses were that the strategy demanded a lot of training and practice as well as the fact that not all students could react to the body language techniques involved.


”Teachers work twice as hard as the general public will ever imagine.”

”Not only do good teachers tell students how to act, they demonstrate appropriate behavior in all their daily routines and interactions”






Best classroom management practices for reaching all learners: what award-winning classroom teachers do. (2005). Choice Reviews Online, 43(04), 43-2337-43-2337. doi:10.5860/choice.43-2337

Hardin, C. Effective classroom management.

Morrish’s Real Discipline


Morrish’s Real Discipline strengths were his four-step approach to discipline. His steps included establishing rules of behavior, compliance training, things chosen to do when student breaks the rules, allowing to make choices when old enough. Compliance training, I believe is the most important since it uses different methods to involve the students in understanding the rules using ”explanations, examples, demonstrations, and guided practices”.


Morrish’s Real Discipline weaknesses were that he believed students shouldn’t be involved in creating the rules, that this was the teacher’s responsibility. He believed that students didn’t possesses the knowledge to help come up with rules on their behavior. I completely disagree, by engaging the students to help establish the set of rules, you are getting them motivated to use their creativity, common sense and putting them into terms they would understand since they are the ones helping to establish the rules.


”Determining what discipline means to you will determine the amount of success you have.”

”You plan for success, not failure because you get what you plan for.”






Building Classroom Discipline, Eleventh Edition, by C. M. Charles. Published by Pearson. Copyright © 2014 by Pearson Education, Inc

Ronald Morrish teaches ’real discipline’. (2017). Gananoque Reporter. Retrieved 19 February 2017, from http://www.gananoquereporter.com/2010/01/20/ronald-morrish-teaches-real-discipline

Dr. Marshall’s Fostering Responsible Behavior


The strength of the strategy was that it was focused on responsibility and learning. The focus helped in successfully reducing misbehavior and negative attitude towards learning on all young people. Another strong point was that the discipline involved encouraging students to do good rather than reprimanding them after doing wrong.


The strategy involved training or teaching rather than referring to responsibilities and this was the main weakness of this discipline.

The strategy placed the teacher as an enforcer and this lead to students shying off in airing their views.


Collaboration is more effective than domination

Discipline Without Stress





Oral, B. (2012). Student Teachers’ Classroom Management Anxiety: A Study on Behavior Management and Teaching Management. Journal Of Applied Social Psychology, 42(12), 2901-2916. doi:10.1111/j.1559-1816.2012.00966.x

Ronald Morrish teaches ’real discipline’. (2017). Gananoque Reporter. Retrieved 19 February 2017, from http://www.gananoquereporter.com/2010/01/20/ronald-morrish-teaches-real-discipline

Personal Classroom Management Model

For my own personal classroom management model, I would start by including Harry K. Wong’s idea of an efficient classroom. I would borrow the ideas of having the classroom prepared, having assigned seats and having an assignment on the board, to help establish a routine the first day of class. I would also have the classwork stop on Mondays and the first day of school during attendance so that each student and I, may share what fun or exciting things we did over the summer/weekend. I believe by doing this fun exercise it gets the students excited to come to class since I am then showing an interest in who they are as a student and showing them who I am as their teacher.

I would use compliance training, as taught by Ronald Morrish, to help my students understand the rules in which we created by using his techniques of ” explanation, examples, demonstrations, and guided practices”.

I would use Dr. Marshall’s Fostering Responsible Behavior strategy to make sure that the students understand their responsibilities clearly through encouraging them to do well rather than reprimanding them when they do wrong. However I would integrate referral of responsibilities to the students besides teaching so as to ensure that they feel free to air their problems.

I would implement Fred Jones’ Positive Classroom Discipline to help me identify bad behavior in my students early enough before it happens.

I would employ Kagan, Kyle, & Scott’s Win-Win Discipline to ensure collaboration of students, teachers and parents in providing and creating solutions to various problems.

June 19, 2023




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Classroom Teacher Student

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