Gender roles and organizational citizenship behaviors

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The Links Between Gender and Society

The links between the fundamental parts of the body, expression, and communal identity are defined by gender. It is a broad phrase that encompasses social perceptions, familial dynamics, and dimensional perceptions in local culture. As a result, a person’s place in society and level of comfort are greatly influenced by their gender. In this sense, gender is not defined by biology but rather by the sociocultural status of being either male or female. It is made up of characteristics of femininity and masculinity in society that have an impact on how people are viewed in that society. There is a widespread social misperception about how gender and sex work. Whereas sex defines the biological roles of being male and female, gender combines the cultural and social aspects of both males and females in the society. Consequently, gender constitutes those aspects of attitudes, perceptions and behaviors that tend to shape the role of individuals in communities. It plays the most important role in shaping our communities into an organ of political, social and economic operations by allowing interrelationships between various cults. This paper seeks to explore the context of gender, its definition, roles and relationships in power, masculinity and femininity as well as the expressions in the society.

The Origin and Portrayal of Gender

Gender originated from the philosophical and sociological concepts that played the role of community organizations in many parts of the world. Gender aspects portray the most important cult in the world systems. It shapes the political fonts, leadership structure as well as the economic cultures in the world. Culturally, the societies attach various concepts to gender in the communities. It relates to how an individual recognizes his or her identity in the society as either male or female. Moreover, the aspects of social responsibilities may shape the perspective gender understanding in most cases.

Gender Norms and Cultural Productions

The gender norms derived from the institutions of the society such as family organs, learning centers, places of work as well as research institutions, forms the backgrounds of communal beliefs and culture. Moreover, gender concepts can be derived from the cultural productions as in movies, arts, literature and books. The information on gender and sex portrays the most comprehensive elements of socioeconomic background of nations. Thus, the gender norms help to highlight the fundamental attitudes and behavioral beliefs that help members of the society to execute their roles in the economy with much comfort. Hitherto, the concepts are very different from sexual orientation in all instances in the society.

The Relationship Between Power and Gender

The term power is a common presentation of social responsibilities of various individuals with references to their culture and communal organization. Power is the ability of a person to posit influence and give directions as a lead in the society. The context of manifesting power in the society involves the abilities to invoke changes and influence the development progresses in any set up in the society. Prominently, power and political leadership may be inseparable in most cases. Politicians are deemed to use power in creating leadership influence among the citizens at all times. Power comes with positions as well advantages in the economic classes. Nonetheless, the role of gender in shaping power in the society cannot be underestimated due to the inclusive link with reality in the society.

Gender, Power, and Inequalities

Common stereotypes, established in relation to power and gender, postulate that this plunge is the most comprehensive topic of discussion. Gender helps in shaping every aspect of power right from the private perspective to the public domain existing in the political arena. It is true that the relationships between gender and power are evident in the political movements. Our societies hold several views on the issues of men and women leadership, both in the political roles and the family levels. Prominently, the society perceives women as short of power influence in most states. The sexual orientations vested in masculinity and femininity tends to portray women as weak and not able to make powerful leaders in most parts of the world. This way, gender divides power between men and women in the society. There are common manifestations of inequalities in power representation across the world owing to the inadequate abilities of women to portray effective levels of decision-making in the influential politics. Most of the women in the society portray lack of influence in most of the powerful positions in the world.

Gender, Culture, and Power

Often, cultural perceptions hold gender relations as influential power relations. According to numerous cultures, women are only to be seen in the society. They have to be obedient, quiet and accommodate whatever outcome in the society. Contrariwise, men are considerably powerful, influential and outspoken, with abilities to impose decisions on women even without their conscience. Notably, such roles of gender perpetuate the gap in the cultural inequalities in power and political leadership in the world today. The number of women in the top most political ranks and considerable powerful in the world may be countable. On the other hand, men have occupied the most powerful positions in the world leadership since time immemorial. Thus, the cultural diversities may conform to such speculations as to the ideology that women should not make public speech regarding their power in the society. Prominently, power is equivalent to masculinity according to many traditional perceptions of gender in their cultures. As a result, most powerful people in the societies demonstrate extensive levels of dominating others in the societies. In response to such assertions in the political arena, many leaders postulated new developments in the perceptions of gender and power to empower women leadership in the world.

The Impact of Gender on the Family Unit

In similar measures, gender shapes the family household units in communities. According to various scholars, the family is unit of power and politics, where gender takes shape in influencing the magnitude of rational understanding between people of different sexuality. This dynamic is very common in both the developed world and the developing world at large. In this way, the plunge of power and gender perpetuates a continuous concern on the general cultural unity. The only way to realize uniformity in the movement towards equality in the gender parities, respect to power, there are universal laws applied to empower women in the societies. Some countries opened more opportunities for women in the parliament to ensure that the women are also given the opportunity to be in power just like men in the society. The attitude, values and beliefs in the society scares most women from attempting leadership opportunity. Hitherto, gender aspects may involve diversified components of power and leadership in communities.

Gender, Sexuality, and Social Understanding

Gender, sexuality, identity and social understanding portray communicative chains in the various components of culture and development in the societies. The aspect of gender forms the fundamental basis through sexuality is determinable. The roles of men in the communities are determined by their relationships with each other and the opposite sex. Thus, sexuality is an aspect of gender that highlights what role the men may have in their families. Interestingly, dress codes and behavioral virtues may help individuals to understand their place in the society. Many people mistake sexuality for gender in that the biological role of men and women determines their places in the societies. Morphologically and biologically, men and women have distinctive structures. Thus, sexuality and gender may help to demonstrate the roles of a husband as opposed to that of a wife at the family levels. At the household and society levels, these aspects of culture may help in demonstrating the organization of the community. Sexuality helps members to know their biological conscience in the society. On the other hand, gender dictates the sociological aspects of the society such as moral values, virtues and ethics of the household members within the same society.

Gender Roles and Citizenship

Succinctly, citizenship entails a common right of membership to a group of people or community endowed with rights and benefits in such groups. Thus, it is an identity or right to belong to a community or group of people in all aspects. Gender plays a great role in shaping the functionality of every aspect of citizenship in such communities. From the household to the civil organizations, gender acts as the basic unit of negotiations among people living together in particular environments. Having the rights of citizenship, every person in the community can claim their place in the society regardless of their gender in the society. Nonetheless, the state of women in the society may fall to the influence of men despite the citizenship identities and rights because culture and sexuality dictates the roles of every member of the community.

Challenges and Discrimination in Gender Expression

Evidently, women face many challenges in claiming their rights as citizens in many parts of the world even today. Regulations and policies may claim right to every person in the society. However, numerous constraints bar the women from exercising their full rights as citizens of the nations. This way, gender perspective shapes the roles of citizens in numerous ways. A young American woman may fail to ascertain her role in the community. The reason may be the traditional culture about gender in that society. Thus, citizenship only becomes a right when the citizen has a right to express their full potential in the society without cultural constraints and barriers related to gender aspect.

The Significance of Gender Expression

Interestingly, gender expression refers to the way display our masculinity and femininity in the society. It extends our gender identity into daily practices as a common way of helping each member to realize their roles in the communities. Moreover, gender expression manifests as the most important aspect of culture in any setup. At times, the extent to which some people express their gender in the society portrays high levels of discrimination to other genders in the institutions. This way, gender and race seem to have very close link to social disparities in most communities at the work places. A female American may seem to dispute a male African based on the racial and gender differences. The same events may prompt political turmoil in certain parts of the society where the discrimination involves abusive contents. Gender expression should then help to shape the perception of every individual towards each other in terms of dressing code, appearances, and responsibilities.

The Role of Gender in Society

Concisely, the term gender is a very important aspect of the society that not only shapes the society, but also necessity every purpose in every decision made in a community. The traditional culture about gender portrays a biased stereotype in favor of men. Men are considerably superior in terms of power, sexuality, as well as in the general society. In addition, the term gender is very comprehensive. It involves numerous aspects of humanity such as sexuality, power relationships, identity, masculinity and femininity as the most important cultural contexts of gender in our society. Women and men have distinctive roles at every level of community organizations. Both may have potential rights in the legal fronts. However, traditional perceptions allow men to traverse at a faster rate because of the contextual beliefs. Religious believers tend to perceive gender as a very important aspect in the creation design. Accordingly, men should be as powerful as nature can allow in the society because masculinity is a symbol of power and strength. Importantly, gender differences recognized in the law tend to bridge the misconception about inequalities. Therefore, the concepts of gender should help in shaping the society in all aspects without biasness.

Work cited

Amadiume, Ifi. Male daughters, female husbands: Gender and sex in an African society. Zed Books Ltd., 2015.

Connell, Raewyn W. Gender and power: Society, the person and sexual politics. John Wiley & Sons, 2014.

McBride, Dorothy E., and Janine A. Parry. Women’s rights in the USA: Policy debates and gender roles. Routledge, 2016.

M. Cameron, Sean, and Joel T. Nadler. “Gender roles and organizational citizenship behaviors: effects on managerial evaluations.” Gender in Management: An International Journal 28.7 (2013): 380-399.

Oakley, Ann. Sex, gender and society. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd., 2015.

March 23, 2023




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Gender Gender Roles Society

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