Food perception essay

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Food Rights, Food Sovereignty, and Food Security

Food is experienced in a variety of situations, including food sovereignty, food security, and food rights in terms of consumption habits and access. Food rights refer to the legality and freedom of access to nutritious food. It differs from food sovereignty, which is a broader word that refers to the right of individuals in a given community or country setting to determine their own farming, agricultural, and fishing operations. It is thus suggestive of the priority element in terms of community food rights.

Climate Change and Traditional Food

Meanwhile, a related term is the concept of food security that indicates the state at which the people can access food at any regardless of the type, method, or location (Patel).

Climate change and the concept of traditional food play a significant role in determining the quality of food and the availability in the given context. When climate change becomes unbearable, and it could pose a significant problem as the crop production which is indicative of just food. The subject relates to the aspect of sustainable food systems because through effective agricultural practices to ensure the food is sustainable. When such change occurs, it will drastically lead to the use of greenhouse for food production. While it would be considered an option, the fact that the food that will be produced will be inadequate means that the realization of sustainable food systems will be a challenge. Overall, the importance of taking issues related to food security and sovereignty into consideration is from the apprehension that they are used to signal an impending challenge to change course in advance (Pinstrup-Andersen 5).

Works Cited

Patel, Raj. Stuffed and Starved: The Hidden Battle for the World Food System. Vol. 51. N.p., 2007. Web.

Pinstrup-Andersen, Per. “Food Security: Definition and Measurement.” Food Security 1.1 (2009): 5–7. Web.

March 17, 2023


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