Financial Analysis

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Financial Year 2011 effect (Increase by) Financial Year 2012

Sales 200,000 units 30% x 200,000 260,000

Material cost per unit 20% x 180,000 216,000

Direct Labor cost per unit 15% x 80,000 92,000

Variable Indirect Cost per unit 10% x 110,000 121,000

Indirect Fixed cost 5% x 40,000 42,000

Selling expenses 8% x 150,000 162,000

Administrative Expenses 6% x 100,000 106,000

1. Compute the unit sales price at which Blake must sell its product in the current year in order to earn a budgeted target profit of £200,000.

Sales Revenue 1,000,000

Variable Cost x

Contribution Margin (1,000,000 – x)

Fixed Costs 40,000

Net Income 150,000

(1000, 000- x) – 40,000 = 150,000

1,000,000 - x = 190,000

x = 1,000,000 – 190,000

= 810,000

Contribution Margin = 1,000,000 – 810,000 = 190,000

Variable costs = 810,000

Break Even Point = Fixed Expenses / Contribution margin

40,000/190,000 = 0.210 units

At break point

Sales = variable expenses + fixed expenses + profits

260,000x = 121,000x + 40,000 + 200,000

260, 000 x – 121,000x = 240,000

139000x = 240,000

x = 240,000/139,000

x = $1.73 per unit

2. Calculate a value in response to the following: Unhappy about the prospect of a price increase, Blake’s sales manager would like data regarding the number of units that must be sold at the former price to earn the £200,000 profit

The Blake Company will break even the point when the price per unit is 0.210.

Given the desired profit is $ 200,000

Sales – expenses = 200,000

0.210 x – (106,000 + 162,000 + 42,000) = 200,000

0.210 X – 310,000 = 200,000

0.210X = 510,000

X = 2,428 Units

3. Calculate a value in response to the following: Believing that an estimated increase in sales is overly optimistic, a company director is requesting data predicting annual profit if the selling price calculated above is adopted, but the change in sales volume only amounts to a 10% increase

Number units sold 200,000 x 1.73 = $ 345323

Increase in sales by 10% = 110% x 345323 = $ 379,856

Financial and Performance Management

Income Statement

Financial Year 2012

Sales (200,000 units)

$ 379,856

Cost of goods sold


Gross margin


Selling expenses


Administrative expenses


Net profit (before income taxes)


Post your opinion regarding the question of whether the company should pursue price adjustments versus a focus on increased sales. Given the data, would you be in favor of a price increase?

The company should consider adjusting the price because it increases the revenue. Pursuing the increase in sales results into losses as shows above.


Atrill, P. &McLaney, E. (2011) Accounting and Finance for Non-Specialists. (7th ed.) Harlow: FT/Prentice Hall.

El-Massri, M. & Harris, E. (2011) Rethinking budgetary slack as budget risk management. Journal of Applied Accounting Research. 12(3) pp.278-293.

Neely, A., Bourne, M. & Adams, C. (2003) Better budgeting or beyond budgeting? Measuring Business Excellence. 7(3) pp.22-28.

January 19, 2024

Business Economics


Corporations Finance

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