feedback on kimberly

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Feedback helps students achieve better. However, some teachers have a propensity to deliberately seek out continual feedback from pupils, classmates, parents, or supervisors, which makes it difficult for students to understand their actual performance (Wiggins and McTighe, 2005). Because they give students trustworthy and accurate data, many educators decide to use both peer review and self-assessments. One must reply to a classmate’s post in order to complete this assignment.

It is evident from the post that my classmate is inspired as a result of the Aust Video. The video demonstrates how one practices swimming diligently. Of course, the process is tedious, but through motivation, many people do succeed to become good swimmers. Thus, my classmate’s post indicates how the video recording can assist kids; kids can monitor their performance and respond to their areas of their weakness. It is also evident that their coach has an obligation to do as far as the desired performance is concerned.

The video reminds my classmate of the time that he was in his elementary school. He says that there was a way under which they could lure their classmates to get a desirable feedback. Thus, he suggests that recording is a useful evaluative tool for performance. This notion corresponds to his tutor’s advice; Dr. Timothy, who suggested that students who are learning to read should hear themselves reading. Of course, such practice boosts the learners’ abilities as they can quickly identify their areas of weakness and improve them appropriately (Wiggins and McTighe, 2005).

Conversely, my classmate points out for another evaluative tool; that is, the whisper phones. The phones allow students to read into them, and then it magnifies their voice level so that they can hear it back. This sort of feedback assists the learners with hearing themselves and also being quieter when reading aloud to other children around the classroom.

Even though my classmate’s posts has concentrated on the evaluation tools, it should be clear that tutors also have a crucial role to play to boost performance. Many times, people tend to think that learning only involves the learners forgetting that tutors do play a significant, especially in motivating learners. It is for the same reason that my classmate has highlighted the different roles of teachers as well as those for leaner.


Wiggins, G. P., & McTighe, J. (2005). Understanding by design. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

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