Exploring Individuality and Rebellion in 'A Separate Peace'

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'A Separate Peace' explores many complex themes, such as the concept of individuality, the subject of the youth, denial, remembrance, and warfare. The novel is based on the author’s experiences at his school, Philips Exeter Academy. The paper discusses the central idea of individuality, which the book stresses (Garrod, 105). Knowles depicts a character by the name Finny. Finnys’ choices and confidence portrays selflesslessness and brings discomfort to the ones around him. The author describes Finny as a guy who has a behaviour of openness. For instance, he readily shares the emotional aspects of his relationship with Gene. The way Finny wears his tie exemplifies his lack of interest in school rules. This sets him apart from the rest of the class, who wear their uniforms appropriately (Garrod, 110). Knowles's character’s contribution to the theme of individuality stems from how Finny behaves in his evaluation and not from those who surround him. It makes it easier for him to speak freely, even to the senior administration, who do not rebuke his actions (Kohn, 10).

A writing strategy that appears prominently in the text is characterization. Finny has a charming character. Finny is popular not only with his peers but also with the admiration staff. He loves Devon School and is loyal to his schoolmates. Despite breaking school rules, he manages to always keep out of trouble and work his way out of any problem he encounters (Weber, 63). A good example is how Devon Faculty adapts to the fact that Finny breaks the rules but tolerates him due to his love, respect, and loyalty to the staff and the administration.

Works Cited

Garrod, A. C., and G. A. Bramble. "Moral development and literature." Theory into Practice 16.2 (1977): 105-111.

Kohn, George C. "An Analysis of Gene Forrester in" A Separate Peace" by John Knowles." Adolescence 10.37 (1975): 143.

Weber, Ronald. "Narrative Method in" A Separate Peace"." Studies in Short Fiction 3.1 (1965): 63.

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