Essay on Social Media Marketing Framework

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With regards to implementation, the organization’s platforms, target market, strategies and goals have been extensively consulted in the development of an actionable social media platform-specific framework. The section addresses the efficient and effective generation of content suitable for each social media platform. It specifies the responsibilities of the staff in executing the tactics and preparing the content for dissemination across the various avenues.

Facebook is identified as the most popular and the most suitable for interacting with potential and existing customer base. As such the brand will exploit its noteworthy Facebook presence to strengthen its image and improve its recognition, perception, and public awareness. Facebook will be an especially fitting avenue for the exceedingly impressionable young target market (Lin, Keegan, Margolin & Lazer, 2014). The article identifies several key tactics to be implemented on Facebook that will be immensely instrumental in building the brand. The techniques outline the processes that must be undertaken regularly for a firm’s social media visibility to improve.

Users are advised to post content that interest the target market. These may include community events, funny videos, fashion and music icons, and information on popular foods.

The social media managers are advised to post content regularly, at least twice a day. They are requested to add funny or light ads to ensure a steady stream of traffic to the company’s main website. Additionally, they should periodically integrate giveaways and coupons as a way of ensuring consistent fan participation. The promotions elicit customer interest a serve to propagate the company’s identity.

The social media personnel are informed to establish campaigns where users post original content. The managers should include links to the company’s page in all outgoing communication including online brochures and promotional material. They should integrate the brand’s unique identifiers in email signatures for all outbound statements.

The article recognises other media such as Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn as some of the most common online platforms for the furthering of a company’s brand. These sites cumulatively result in most of the world’s web traffic. As such, they are an especially critical player in the construction of a company’s online profile. The article supports that having a well-oiled and highly functional web status is dependent on the successful mastery of these social media.

The article offers a detailed account of the steps required in the development of suitable social media content. It acknowledges that each platform has a specific type of content most adaptable to it. Various tactics are presented to streamline the content development process. The undertaking stresses three major outcomes including creating the biggest impact, saving money and time, and the generation of a timeless production that is relevant in both present and future periods.

Prior to the development of the content, a thorough analysis of the needs of the users across the social forums is performed (Jeppesen & Andersen, 2015). The primary target market is then identified and all its fitting markers provided.

Creating totally new concepts may often prove difficult. Even then, the public’s reaction may not always be predictable. As such, the development of new themes from existing content is often the most effective approach. An extensive inventory of available material is conducted to find media that can be reintegrated onto newer productions.

The article also mentions the quantitative metrics chosen to measure progress in attaining the brand’s strategic social media marketing goals selected for implementation. Key performance indicators are identified and evaluated accordingly.




Jeppesen, J., & Andersen, K. V. (2015). Restless Plate Spinners and Rising Stars: How Organizational Foci and Status Dynamics impact Tie Creation and High Impact Science. In The DRUID Society Conference 2015.

Lin, Y. R., Keegan, B., Margolin, D., & Lazer, D. (2014). Rising tides or rising stars?: Dynamics of shared attention on Twitter during media events. PloS one, 9(5), e94093.

August 01, 2023



Corporations Marketing

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