Essay on Design of Eco-garden

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Qn. 1 How to conduct LCA in a Coal burning power plant?

There are three-component standard models I would use to conduct LCA in a coal-burning power plant. The first standard component model to use is the inventory. The model will be used to balance the material and energy for every process in the system. The flows will be used to give energy use, resource consumption and the total emission for the system. Improvement will be the second component to perform to assess the step of inventory in order to reduce the effect of the system on the environment. It will also help to explore the possibilities of recycling, substitution of material and changes of the process. The third component to use is the impacts assessment. This component is the most controversial and the least developed of the three. It will involve assigning the values to each amount of energy consumed, a resource used and emission according to it is perceived impact. Then for each system studied, a total score will be determined. The qualitative picture of the possible impact on the environment will be achieved by assigning each stressor such as greenhouse gases, habitat changes and so on to one or more categories of stressors. During the impact assessment phase of conducting LCA, a less-is-better approach will be possibly taken aiming fewer less energy use, emission, and resources consumption.

Qn. 8 How to design eco-garden with water treatment and agricultural components?

Firstly, I will make a compost heap. This should be decomposed organic materials and food waste to prevent organic material from going to a landfill and add nutrients to the soil. I will add water to keep the heap moist. I will use the pitchfork to turn the heap over for aeration. I will consider using products like fish emulsion, cottonseeds, blood meal and bone meal to add nutrients to the soil along with the compost to amend the soil. I will not use chemical fertilizers. I will design the methods of conserving water for earth-friendly gardening such as shrinking the size of the lawn or remove it, use of drip line to water the garden or make a rock garden. Fourthly, I will choose natives flowers or plants because they will naturally adapt to the climate conditions and thrive with less labor, fertilizer, and water.

The native plants or flowers will also provide food and habitat for the local wildlife. Fifth, I will control plant diseases using earth-gardening methods such as baking soda, milk, sodium bicarbonate and cooking oil. They are safer than a synthetic product to the environment. In step six, I will choose gardening tools and equipment that are environmentally friendly such as push mower and electrically powered equipment such as garden tillers. I will plant trees in the eco-garden to improve the quality of the air, to provide a habitat for wildlife and to provide shade. I will carefully choose the pesticides such as fire ants to kill the target insect. I will avoid synthetic insecticides for they may kill beneficial insects like bees indiscriminately. I will choose the insecticides that decompose faster with weather and element. Control bugs using natural products and install a bat house to attract bat in the eco-garden. Bats heavily eat mosquitoes and other insects. I will use natural herbicides to kill weeds such as the concentration of 20% of acetic acid, the natural option of corn gluten and use of clove oil to destroy weed.


August 09, 2023


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