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The primary goal of this project is to write an essay on communication, culture, information, and technology. To summarize, in order to complete this paper, one should select an academic piece that is numerically based (quantitative research). This journal/article should be accessible through the University of Toronto’s library system; this paper will be divided into sections such as institutional support, study design, selection strategy, key terms, research execution, and a conclusion. Basically; in order to complete on the paper, the main journal or article that is going to be discussed is titled “The role of gender identity in explaining sex differences in business owners’ career satisfier preferences”.
This book/journal article has support from a wide range/number of scholars and institutions. Some of this institutions include the College of Business Administration, Northeastern University, the USA department of management and the University of Connecticut (“The Role of Gender Identity in Explaining Sex Differences in Business Owners’ Career Satisfier Preferences”). Generally; the institutions named above have influenced the explicit and implicit purposes of the study in the sense that it has provided results that are directly related with the people who were involved in the research process. Apart from this institutions, this article has also received numerous positive support from other institutions and different readers. After reading the entire journal particle; it is safe to state the fact that the implicit purpose of the study is to explain how gender plays a great role when it comes to defining gender identity. The article is also important in explaining how sex differences among most of the business owners.
In reference to conducting a research on an article; there are at least three designs that are commonly used. Some of the main research designs include; Case Study, Experimental and Quasi – experimental each of the designs mentioned above has its own advantages and disadvantages. A case study design focuses on a particular situation, event or a person. On the other hand; the experimental design is divided into two. The Control and treatment group. Lastly; quasi experimental also known as field experiments is used to conduct or gather information just lie other regular experiments. This method is mainly used in one – off surveys; the idea of this research design is based on the principles of selection, grouping and comparing.
In reference to the study article presented; it is safe to state the fact that the research design that has been used is the Case study method/design. Despite the fact that this is one of the best research designs and methods; it is safe to state the fact that it also has its own limitations. Some of the main limitations related to this design is negative external validity, methodological rigor and researcher subjectivity (“The Role of Gender Identity in Explaining Sex Differences in Business Owners’ Career Satisfier Preferences”). Basically; the results collected by people from a particular group of people might be different from the results collected by another case study group. As a result; this is the main reason why some of information and data collected may receive negative external validity. Some researchers may also end up favoring/bending the results of a particular research so that they can get results they expect; this is placed under researcher subjectivity.
Formulating the best research strategy is one of the most difficult processes. It requires a lot of time to consideration to know the study group involved in the research process. Basically; a good selection strategy should ensure that it offers no harm to the life of participants and researchers. In this case, based on the journal article, the research was conducted through Paper surveys. Generally, paper surveys are one of the most efficient methods of gathering and collecting data without harming the participants or the researchers. The research design was also favorable in the sense that it provided the people involved a flexible time in collecting the data and information that was required. Practically; a good strategy in collecting data and information should not harm the lives of the people involved. It should ensure that it withholds the safety of everyone.
In reference to the research process; Key terms are very important. One of the main significances of Key concepts is the fact that they are conceptualized and this affects how they are operationalized. Basically; this means that key terms can either be operationalized or conceptualized. In reference to the journal article, there are very many key terms that are going to be discussed. Basically; when we look at the Journal article the Key terms are sexual identity, business owners and sex differences (“The Role of Gender Identity in Explaining Sex Differences in Business Owners’ Career Satisfier Preferences”). Without this terms or concepts; it would have been difficult to conduct a research.
A key concept can also be described as the main idea that is related to a particular essay question. When we look at the Journal article; we get to see that Sexual identity and sex differences play a major role in determining the information being researched. Generally; it is safe to state the fact that the whole process is operationalization in the sense that the research deals with multiple people who discuss on a single subject revolving on Sexual identity, business owners and sex differences. One of the main limitations of operationalization is the fact that it may lead to disagreement among the people discussing on the given Key terms. Basically; everybody is entitled to their own opinions and quotes (“The Role of Gender Identity in Explaining Sex Differences in Business Owners’ Career Satisfier Preferences”). Survey questions used during this process may give results that are different. This may limit the validity of particular survey question and results.
The process of research implementation involves conducting a research on how the information was collected. Basically; it is important to note the fact that there are different methods of collecting data and information. Some of the main methods of collecting information is through in- person interviews, telephone surveys, paper surveys and digital methods. In reference to the journal article; it is safe to state the fact that the main method used in collecting data and information from the people was through paper surveys (“The Role of Gender Identity in Explaining Sex Differences in Business Owners’ Career Satisfier Preferences”). When we look at the journal article; we get to see that the research was conducted on a major U.S based private University where more than 1208 paper surveys were distributed. Paper surveys are one of the most significant methods when it comes to collecting data and information from a wide group of people; however, they also have their own disadvantages.
Some of the main limitations/disadvantages associated with is form of survey is the fact that people tend to give answers that are not right. Some of the questions in the survey end up being person. Alternatively; this forces them to give answers that are fairly wrong. Paper surveys are also limited in the sense that the respondents or the people being surveyed may be obliged to give answers that present them as good people (“The Role of Gender Identity in Explaining Sex Differences in Business Owners’ Career Satisfier Preferences”). No one would want to fill a survey that presents them to be bad or cunning. Thirdly; paper surveys that have questions that are close – ended may end up providing or giving answers that have a lower validity rate as opposed to questions that are not close – ended. Lastly; different people have different interpretations, based on the article provide above. Some people might have given wrong answers due misinterpretation.
In conclusion, I believe in the data and information collected from the research process to be true. The Research conducted was very efficient and worthy. When we look at the Journal article; it is quite evident that the evidence gathered was not based on a few individuals. The group conducting the research gathered there facts from more than 1200 people who belonged to a private firm in the U.S. When we look at the Journal article, more than 1208 papers surveys were distribute to members of the Company.
The research design was also quite favorable in collecting data since it made the research process much more easy and flexible. The key terms are also well laid out. Basically; it is safe to state the fact that the research process was very smooth and easy to understand. It is also safe to state that the research was credible since most of the data was not manipulated or concluded by a few people.
“The Role of Gender Identity in Explaining Sex Differences in Business Owners’ Career Satisfier Preferences.” N.P., 2017. Web. 26 Oct. 2017.
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