Errors that are as a result of administration

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Mistakes that occur as a result of medication administration

Mistakes that occur as a result of medication administration have had a global impact on many parties. In most cases, medical administration is critical to the profession. The entire procedure is usually significant since the possibility of repairing existing problems and possibly preventing others is quite crucial.

The faults can even be addressed while the medications are being administered. According to some studies, medical administration errors can account for up to 10% of all hospitalizations. This is without taking into account the inaccuracies that are frequently caused by the time component.

Most of these researches are also very reliable since they have been conducted in very developed countries where we don’t expect any kind of error to occur. It is also in these countries that the issues of patient safety were long ago recognized. These are also the places where efforts to increase these safety measures are being carried out. They do some of these by carrying out barcoding and prescribing electronic systems. These are the countries where clinical pharmacists are allocated at all the wards. This therefore makes everything in the hospital department to be fully achieved (Gorgich, et al., 2016).

Analysis of medication errors

In this analysis, I will focus more on the case of Vietnamese Hospitals where so many medication errors have been evident. In this case, it was reported that the process of admitting patients in these hospitals had been faced with very deadly calamities. Some of these resulted to passing on of a number of patients who were being treated from the hospitals.

The main reason leading to this was the presence of health system that as poor and the fact that most of the staffs working in these hospitals never had any proper training on this field. The main form of errors that were also evident was to do with preparation errors and administration errors. In this case, medications had been supplied to wards as either anti-doses or bulk. Most of the wards also lacked services of clinical pharmacy that were supposed to be there. The error rate at this country had grown to around 9%.

In this case, there were some types of errors that were commonly evident. One of them is the fact that most of the doses that were given here had at least an error. This error affected 93% of the patients who had been admitted. The most frequent errors for this case include the use of a wrong technique in the process of administration. There were also errors associated with wrong technique during the preparation stage. Others included omission and the issuing of the wrong dosage. These issues should therefore be solved before they lead the whole practice into a deep mess.

Legal and ethical consequences surrounding the medication error

The issue of medication errors has been of great concern to most of the healthcare practitioners worldwide. This means that they must work smart and ensure that there exists a good remedy for this issue (Pournamdar and Zare, 2016). Most of the nurses must therefore ensure that they follow their codes of conduct strictly and ensure that they meet the entire legal requirement in their practice. They must ensure that they do not engage in any malpractice since it will never bring the desired results. One of the legal requirements is that the nurses must double check their situations to ensure that everything is clear from the start. They must also adopt working conditions that will improve their situation. They must ensure that there is proper administration of the medication.

Methods of reducing the errors

In order to reduce most of the medication Administration errors, there are some of the things that must be carried out. To fully control these errors, one of the strategies that will help is the use of Bar-coded Medication Administration. The nurses must also ensure that they are able to do some patent identification in the process to avoid further losses. They must also be able to follow each and every right that is associated with the nursing practice. They will prevent the rate of occurrence of most of the errors by almost 50-60%.

These same errors can also be prevented by the use of conducting some voluntary reporting and the use of computerized advanced techniques. Also, the nurses or anyone doing the administration must be able to manually review the available chart for medication and fully and directly observing the patients to avoid further errors (Pournamdar et al., 2016). In order to reduce these errors in most of the hospitals, every party must ensure that they train the nurses. The nurses must also work on their competency to avoid these situations that might be very embarrassing. They must also follow the policies that have been laid down to help in enhancing the medical administration. The hospitals must also concentrate on improving quality continuously. They must also uphold the advantage of using the available teams.


Gorgich, E. A. C., Barfroshan, S., Ghoreishi, G., Balouchi, A., Nastizaie, N., & Arbabisarjou, A. (2016). The Association of Self-Assessed Emotional Intelligence with Academic Achievement and General Health among Students of Medical Sciences. Global Journal of Health Science, 8(12), 27.

Pournamdar, Z., & Zare, S. (2016). Survey of Medication Error Factors from Nurses’ Perspective. Biology and Medicine, 8(5), 1.

Pournamdar, Z., Zare, S., Niksirat, S., & Shahrakipour, M. (2016). The Survey of the Barriers to Reporting Medication Errors from the Perspective of the Nurses. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 7(3).

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