Environmental Ethics in Business

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Businesses and Environmental Ethics

Businesses are expected to protect the environment by following environmental ethics’ rules. According to Michael Hoffman, it is essential for businesses, organizations, and industries to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases they release into the environment. According to Hoffman, greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide are to blame for causing global warming (Hoffman 169). The entire human race is impacted by the numerous repercussions of global warming. Therefore, it is crucial for businesses to cut back on greenhouse gas emissions. Industrial facilities ought to have chimneys that trap greenhouse emissions. Besides, Hoffman believes that medical wastes should be properly disposed and not be washed up on the coastal beaches. Industries and corporations dealing with medicines and medical supplies should ensure proper disposal of the used and damaged materials. The medical waste should not be disposed of in water catchment area or rivers since they find a way into the water bodies thus causes contamination. The medical wastes may spread disease-causing pathogens if not properly disposed or when dumped in water bodies (Hoffman 171). The oil exploration companies should be careful when handling their products in the sea. Oil spills in the ocean are detrimental to the health of ocean creatures. Spilled oil gets into the gills of fish and prevent proper breathing and hence cause death. Besides, oil spilled on sea water prevents proper aeration and the level of oxygen in water reduces significantly. Low oxygen levels affect all living creatures in the sea and lead to their death within a short period. Hoffman states that greenhouse gases damage the ozone layer and pave the way for the harmful Ultra Violet rays that penetrate the earth’s atmosphere. The UV rays are associated with some types of skin cancer. Therefore, products such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), Halons, Carbon Tetrachloride, Sterilants, and methyl bromide which can deplete the ozone layer. International bodies such as the UNEP, UNDP, and the World Bank have developed protocols that ensure industries do not produce, distribute, or sell such products (Hoffman 174). Business, corporation, and industries should adhere to protocols set to safeguard the environment.

Morality and Environmental Responsibility

Hoffman does not agree with the statement made by Norman Bowie who addressed a conference at the Center for Business Ethics. Bowie states that it is not mandatory for a business to protect the environment but have a moral duty of strengthening the environmental laws. Hoffman claims that business has a responsibility of protecting the environment according to the law and each business has to follow the laid down procedures on environmental stewardship. By adhering to the environmental laws, business will prevent the depletion of natural resources and avoid the number of pollutants released to the environment (Hoffman 175). However, Hoffman asserts that business should not do more than is required by the law as it may affect their profitability.

Informed Decision-Making and Environmental Crisis

Hoffman calls for business managers to make informed decisions on issues related to the environment. Although a particular bill may be waiting for approval by the parliament or Congress, businesses should act in the best interest. Even when the law has not been established, environmental ethics should guide businesses in making proper decisions on waste management and disposal (Hoffman 182). Each corporation should use its best resources and expertise to manage any emerging environmental crisis. Additionally, business managers should demonstrate leadership style that supports the preservation of the environment and adherence to environmental ethics.

Work Cited

Hoffman, W. M. (1991). Business and environmental ethics. Business Ethics Quarterly, 169-184.

February 22, 2023
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