Environment Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

Starting with the Global Warming issue to social movements, writing an Environment essay is a good way to focus on various issues that are relevant to us all. Remember that you should study the subject first and write down the list of facts to compose a good outline. As you will see, the majority of essays on Environment will provide a great hook sentence or a claim that makes it interesting to read further. You should compose your essay exactly the same way by listing at least three main arguments with the sources and statistical information. As a way to keep you inspired, we picked a great free selection of essay samples on Environment to help you learn by example.

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139 views 4 pages ~ 888 words
The Importance of Rearing Animals in Climate Change

Reading through the article on CNN, the writer wonders if it is possible for people to stop eating meat for the benefit ...

230 views 2 pages ~ 539 words
Global Warming: CNN’s Perspectives on the Issue

Global warming is increasingly becoming an issue of the world concern. The media is out to sensitize people on its effec...

73 views 4 pages ~ 827 words
The Problem of Air, Soil and Water Pollution

Before urbanization and industrialization, the world was different compared to today. Today, the conservation of environ...

217 views 10 pages ~ 2476 words
Wind Power Generation and Its Future

Wind power is the use of airflow through wind turbines to mechanically power generators for electric power (Morris, 2010...

94 views 3 pages ~ 688 words
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Green Taxiing

An electrical system in airplanes is an essential component of different aircraft designs with varying complexity and ca...

223 views 12 pages ~ 3149 words
Environmental Impact of Intelligent Transport Systems

The proposed research aims at using intelligent transportation systems that are geared towards conserving the environmen...

101 views 5 pages ~ 1162 words
The Dog Foster Community

A community is made up of individuals who have a lot in common and mingle in the same geographical area. There are neigh...

170 views 7 pages ~ 1925 words
Effects of Global Warming on Human Health

Environmental problems refer to harmful effects caused by human activities conducted on the surface of the biophysical e...

155 views 12 pages ~ 3096 words
Air Pollution in Tehran

Tehran is the capital city of Iran with an estimated population of around 8.4 million. The city is the most populous wit...

122 views 9 pages ~ 2268 words
Impacts of Cars on the Environment

I am submitting the enclosed report on the “comparison between electric cars and hybrid cars in different criteria’s” in...

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