Economics Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

Since the majority of businesses these days are dealing with remote work, writing an Economics essay has also undergone several changes that must be considered if you want to reflect all the latest. As a rule, you may start with various theory concepts that you have read in the textbook but a much better way would be to implement some analysis. If you are not sure about how to make your Economics essays look better, have a look at our samples to learn more about all the interesting topics and the wide scope of approaches you can take. It is always much better when you can see some examples and get inspired to start with your Economics assignment.

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260 views 5 pages ~ 1107 words
The Relationship Between Social Issues, the Shareholder Value, and Stakeholder Management

The article aims at giving an analysis of the relationship between social issues, the shareholder value, and stakeholder...

89 views 9 pages ~ 2227 words
Critique of the Concept of Shared Value

The article by Crane et al. (2014) provides criticism to Porter and Kramer’s idea of creating shared value (CSV). Precis...

93 views 2 pages ~ 499 words
The Importance of Corporate Governance in Strategic Management

The article Primec, & Belak (2018), focuses on corporate strategy and governance as the major determinants of econom...

205 views 3 pages ~ 605 words
A Summary of the Balanced Scorecard

The article Using the Balanced Scorecard as a Strategic Management System offers an insight into how the use of the bala...

274 views 2 pages ~ 463 words
Strategic Approach to Change Management

The article, “Change as an Opportunity: A Strategic Approach to Change Management,” by Newell, (2018), refutes that many...

164 views 11 pages ~ 2766 words
The Automotive Industry in South Africa

The automotive industry in the world has been synonymous with industrial development. The 1950s onwards has seen a treme...

161 views 11 pages ~ 2968 words
Barriers to Engagement at the Workplace

The barriers to workplace engagement among millennial and older employees at the workplace were evaluated in the present...

100 views 4 pages ~ 912 words
An Overview of Needs Assessment

The basic process for assessing needs is required on a small scale like in this case where only a particular section of ...

286 views 3 pages ~ 628 words
The BP Oil Spill

The BP oil spill crisis that happened in 2010 is considered as one of the largest disasters to take place in the history...

242 views 5 pages ~ 1371 words
Analysis of Strategic Factors of Ford Motor Company

The business environment comprises of three major components. According to Ansoff (2014), these components include inter...

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