Dangers to Life Emergencies

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An emergency is defined as any situation that requires rapid attention in terms of examination and resolution because it may endanger human health, the environment, or property. Public health emergency services are developed to provide a prompt response to people’s health-related emergencies and to assist in preventing the situation from escalating. Sometimes emergency services are beyond control, and only palliative care may be provided after the incident has occurred (Limmer, Daniel & Michael, 2015).

The public health emergency was established to provide emergency responses to any occurring activity that may endanger human health and life. Emergencies are ranked in priority and include dangers to life emergencies, dangers to health emergencies and dangers to the environment emergencies.

Dangers to Life Emergencies

Threats to life emergencies are those which cause immediate danger to lives involved and may include certain outbreaks of diseases such as Ebola, Malaria, cholera, and natural disasters such as earthquakes and landslides. They are regarded as the most prioritized form of emergency for the reason that life is valued (Leaning, Jennifer & Sapir, 2013).

Dangers to Health Emergencies

Health emergencies are those that may not have a quick impact on a person’s health but with continued neglect will negatively affect the body system and might end up being life threatening. They may include some gases in the air which after long inhaling will result in health complications (Leaning, Jennifer & Sapir, 2013).

Dangers to the Environment

Environmental emergencies are those that may not have a direct impact on human life but may affect their habitats, and their end implications will natively affect human life. This type of emergency is not regarded emergencies by several agencies as their effects are felt over a long time (Leaning, Jennifer & Sapir, 2013).

Public Health

The Public Health has the mandate to perform emergency services such as addressing issues related to disease breakouts such as cholera which may be bred by unhygienic situations in regions. Cholera can cause death if not addressed immediately, although it is regarded as a danger to health emergency and comes after danger to life emergency, disease breakouts should be classified as (danger to life) emergencies and be given high priority (Dye, Christopher & Marie, 2016).

Public Health in their preparations to combat emergencies carry out exercises to get them more ready to handle emergencies when they occur. The exercises are carried over with an aim to try out new emergency resources, make the people in the region aware of the emergency management programs and possible effective ways to respond to emergencies and combine functional and drill activities (Dye, Christopher & Marie, 2016).

Full-Scale Emergency Management Exercise

Full-scale emergency management exercise is an activity carried out by all emergency respondent service. The exercise is made close to the real emergency as possible, and the participants are expected to respond in the same way they would in the actual situation. The full exercise tests all the functions listed in the operations plan to test total coordination between field forces, policy makers and coordinating officers (Haddow, Bullock & Coppola, 2017).

Local full-scale emergency operations have never been conducted by the public health, and this has brought some defects in their working operations because the way people respond to emergencies may vary over different localities whenever real emergency situations occur.

Impacts of Not Conducting Local Full-Scale Emergency Exercises.


The way people will respond in a particular setting may differ based on past experiences and educational levels and for this reason when emergency exercises are conducted and assumptions made from the way the particular participants respond, a fault technique may be formulated (Haddow, Bullock & Coppola, 2017).

Fault techniques are likely to be expressed because the participants are aware it is a drill however how much they try to act like they are in a real emergency and the reactions of people who are totally in an emergency state will react differently.

Solution. Emergency exercises should be conducted within localities t get the real reaction of the locals in a region, and every region is drafted with its special emergency handling technique after taking into consideration the kind of topography in the locality, buildings and even population sizes in particular buildings (Haddow, Bullock & Coppola, 2017).

Ineffective results

For the reason that exercises are done at a setting by emergency personnel aware of the exercise and only a few observers, the majority of people who will be affected by the emergency will be left unknowing what to do when the emergencies arise (Haddow, Bullock & Coppola, 2017).

Solution. If emergency exercises were carried out in different localities all over the country to spread the knowledge of handling emergency services, it would be more effective as compared to when it’s done in a setting and the results implemented over regions yet the setting will differ considering buildings and populations during emergencies in different localities (Haddow, Bullock & Coppola, 2017).

Assumptions over Facts

Until emergency, activities are performed over different localities, and the reactions are drafted by considering populations, buildings, and the number of vehicles for example (Haddow, Bullock & Coppola, 2017).

The emergency exercises will be based and founded upon assumptions for the reason that the spread of fire in New York a heavy populated city with close buildings and in a less developed city will not spread the same. Hence local, regional exercises need to be conducted by emergency units to boost emergency unit’s efficiency.

Solution. Setting up emergency services on localities to attain a particular effective method to be used in handling emergency services will be efficient and prove productive other than using one setting for vast regions (Haddow, Bullock & Coppola, 2017).


I conclude that in attaining efficient techniques to handle emergency services in regions, emergency exercises should be conducted locally to take into consideration the demographic and infrastructural settings in a particular region hence boost regional handling of emergencies, all emergencies should also not be ranked by priority but should all be prioritized.


Dye, C., Bartolomeos, K., Moorthy, V., & Kieny, M. P. (2016). Data sharing in public health emergencies: a call to researchers. Bull World Health Organ, 94(3), 158.

Haddow, G., Bullock, J., & Coppola, D. P. (2017). Introduction to emergency management. Butterworth-Heinemann.

Limmer, D., O’Keefe, M. F., Grant, H., Murray, B., Bergeron, J. D., & Dickinson, E. T. (2015). Emergency care. Pearson.

Leaning, J., & Guha-Sapir, D. (2013). Natural disasters, armed conflict, and public health. New England journal of medicine, 369(19), 1836-1842.

June 12, 2023

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