Critical and Rhetorical Analysis of Michael Pollan and Peter Singer

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The daily struggles of animals and their treatment by humans

The daily struggles that creatures face are depicted in Michael Pollan’s book, “An Animal Place.” The humane handling of animals has received more attention thanks to the film “An Animal Place.” Michael wonders, for instance, which set of animals—the dogs or the pigs—receives Christmas presents. (Pollan 3). Since he believes that people should stop consuming meat and instead concentrate on becoming vegetarians, Pollan believes that people have a bad attitude toward animals. In addition, Peter Singer’s “All Animals are Equal” suggests that in addition to being capable of suffering, humans also have goals. As a result, he correlates that since both humans and animals can endure pain, they both have interests. Hence, Singer views that the fundamental principle of equality ought to apply to both people and animals. Therefore, Peter advocates for the fact that the effort asserted by individuals to avoid painful experiences apply to the non-humans as well in their bid to evade suffering.

The importance of treating animals with equality and respect

Both Michael Pollan and Peter Singer underline the essence of treating animals with equality and a significant degree of concern as far as their health and pain are concerned. Nevertheless, Peter Singer’s ‘All Animals are Equal’ advocates the equality practiced as in the case of human beings to animals. As a result, Peter argues that animals deserve a manner of respect accorded to people. On the contrary, Peter presumes that animals are equal or slightly close to the nature of human beings (Singer 8).

Michael Pollan’s perspective on animal suffering

Michael Pollan underlines the fact that animals deserve better treatment as they encounter painful experiences. Moreover, he attributes the human attitude as a reason behind the suffering subjected to the animals (Pollan 4). Consequently, Michael argues that there is no need to breed animals for the sake of making them suffer. Unlike Peter Singer’s ‘All Animals are Equal,’ Michael’s ‘An Animal’s Place’ underlines the fact that the fate of the animals lies in the hands of human beings. As a result, ‘An Animal Place’ is more compelling in prompting an option of re-evaluating the human-animal relationship. The article ‘An Animal Place’ postulates that human beings are responsible for the life-trend of animals (Pollan 6). Unlike Peter Singer who views the rights of the animals as an important aspect leading to a comparison with human beings, Michael takes into consideration the need for reciprocation of morals or rights. The moral exchange perspective lacks in the animals (Singer 8).

The need to make choices for the well-being of animals

‘An Animal Place’ is concerned with the lives of animals as far as suffering, mistreatment, and equality are concerned. As a result, the article underlines the need to make choices that have a positive value for the animals. For instance, ‘An Animal Place’ underscores the need to make decisions on whether to consume meat or embrace the vegetarian life as a way of reducing the pain and mistreatment of the animals (Pollan 5). Moreover, the fact that animals suffer to a considerable extent compared to human beings is fascinating. Hence, Michael underlines the need to refrain from keeping animals to inflict pain and suffering and, in the end, consume their meat. In the example emphasized by using the pig and dogs concerning Christmas, ‘An Animal Place’ serves as a basis for questioning an individual’s attitude about the destiny of the animals.

The re-evaluation of attitudes towards animals

In conclusion, both ‘An Animal Place’ and ‘All Animals are Equal’ play a significant role in highlighting the essence of treating animals with utmost care. However, the article ‘An Animal Place’ by Michael Polan plays a meaningful role in the re-evaluation of my attitude towards the animals. The report objects to the trend of subjecting animals to painful experiences while also feasting on their meat. As a result, the article underlines the need to embrace choices with regard to treating animals with equality.

Works Cited

Pollan, Michael. “An Animal Place.” The New York Times Magazine (2002): 1-10. Document.

Singer, Peter. “All Animals are Equal.” Social Justice (1975): 1-10. Document.

June 19, 2023
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