Conflict Faced By Writers of the Colonial Period That Became Their Subject

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The authors of the Colonial Period (the 1600s and 1700s) experienced many contradictions in their diverse encounters in America, which became the focus of their literature. The conflict occurred on both a personal and a political basis. It played an important role in American society during the colonial era as one of the instruments for demarcation that contributed to the increase of revolution and social life. As a result, confrontation was the epitome of many colonial subjects’ desire for reform during this period. First, conflict surrounding Native Americans is seen in the writing of the Colonial Period as a comprehensive aspect of the society that portrays a major topic of interest for the colonies both for the political parties and the society. Natural resources such as land, for instance, played a major role that postulated a mega conflict between countries. Bradford claims that the ship and the men in it faced major conflicts of interest in the sea while writing the book “The Mayflower Compact, Compact with the Indians, First Thanksgiving.” Similarly, Rowlandson asserts that civilization and savagery may present a persistent context of conflict in the society. Her own story of captivity pays tribute to her traditional belief and the role of captivity in the story “A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson.” Interestingly, racial conflict and personal conflicts which progressed in the colonial period shaped the plunge of the story in the same social setups. Such concepts represent the general environment within the American society that helped in the growth of literature in the society.
In addition, conflict resulting from personal circumstances in their lives is seen in various writings. Rowlandson’s racial situation as well as the regional movement during this time inflicted a lot of pain into her conscience. However, she learnt to embrace the virtue of literature presentation as a critical weapon. Such was the weapon in her quest for change in the society. In a similar way, numerous circumstances around individual and group writers emerged to safeguard the interest of the history in literature within the American society. At the same time, Edward Taylor’s “Upon Wedlock, and Death of Children” narrates sad facts on the difference between family and individual beliefs portrayed in the most comical aspect of the society.
Finally, conflict from political situations is seen in many writings of the Colonial Period. The rise of various states within the region fueled the concept of supremacy and political embargoes owing the dynamicity in which various countries perceived the movements. As such, John Smith considered the rise of Virginia as a political mileage fuelled by differences in governance in the story “The colonies; The General History of Virginia.” Notably, the states rose from the focus of the colonial powers during this period. “Today, the United States is the product of two principal forces-the immigration of European people with their varied ideas, customs, national characters and the impact of a new country which modified these distinctly European cultural traits” (p12). Accordingly, the political waves and movements that rose during this period necessitated the concern on unity and international relationships according to many leaders in the region.

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In summary, conflict formed the foundation for the development of literature in America. Such conflicts amongst historic writers played a great role in the culture of literature among colonialists. According to many writers, literature became a communication tool through conflict and the use of various languages in the societies. Therefore, the difference in the perceptions may help in generating new ideologies in the cult. This way, one should be able to embrace the conflicts as thematic as possible.

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