Computer Assisted Education in the Elementary Classroom

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How information technology has enhanced the use of computer assisted education in the elementary classroom and the possible positive and negative impact this enhancement provides.

In the present world, technology is so essential in making life more convenient. An ever-increasing number of people are gaining access to computers and knowledge on their use is also increasing. In almost every sphere of life, both young and old have embraced technology; in short messages, social platforms, online games, and general internet surfing. There has been a continuous evolution of technology, and its use in the classroom cannot be underestimated.  Currently, educators endeavor in improving students’ academic achievements, and the integration of technology is vital towards this end. Educators have been concerned about the opportunities and the possible advantages of the electronic devices in enhancing learning. Previous studies have focused on audiovisual media but due to the advancements of technology and more particularly, the use of computers in schools has had a significant impact on education. As form 1980s many governments have implemented programs that encourage the use of technology in the learning process.  Some steps taken include improvement of infrastructure, formulating learning portals and providing specific resources for learners and teachers, and creation of training programs for the use of technology (Chauhan, 2017).

The main hindrance to the development of technology in education is the fact that there has been inertia in diverting traditional school culture. Furthermore, technology has undergone various changes, and it reaches a time when it no longer boosts positive changes (Chauhan, 2017).

Positive effects of technology

Costley (2014) claims that students who are already conversant with the use of technology at home will find it easy to use it at school.  In case the school environment is similar to that at home, learners are more likely to achieve more. Therefore technology can enhance the school environment to be more engaging.  It can be considered as an essential tool that can be used in the learning process. It is especially crucial for instruction in the English language as it promotes the interaction with learners with special needs. Costley points out that technology is more effective if it is introduced at an early age in the elementary school as it enhances independent use of applications which would be beneficial later in life.

Technology can be essential in promoting problem-solving skills and critical thinking. Once it realigned in with the classroom environment, it enhances higher-order thinking skills. The use of technology also fosters the ability of learners to work interactively. In a survey, the outcome for integrating technology in the teaching of mathematics was evaluated Costley (2014). This survey revealed that the use of technology in mathematics promotes the learning process. The teachers realized that online programs involved the use of mathematics activities of varying difficulties thereby enabling learners to select the level that they were most comfortable.  The results revealed that learners were more interested in the lesson and were recall better what they had learned in their next lesson.

Kulik, (2003) in his study found out that the appropriate use of computer applications gives learners an opportunity to enhance individualized focus and constant evaluation is based on positive reinforcement techniques.  Furthermore, the use of computers evokes a more sustained interest in learners. A sustained interest coupled with individualized supervision at lower levels promotes cognitive development which involves mental capabilities like memory, language acquisition, attention, and problem-solving. Computers are essential as they encourage self-evaluation as regards cognitive abilities.  Self-assessment gives the learners an opportunity the seek help in areas that they have challenges.

Negative impacts of technology

To make the technique useful in the classrooms, instructors should be well versed with the undesired consequences of using technology in the classes. Some disadvantages of technology are:

The integration of technology alters the mental process of the child.  When technology is introduced, especially at an early age, it rewires the brain mechanism. One in every three children below two years has experience with mobile media[1]. That number increase with age, and at adolescence, over 90% of children have an encounter with online platforms.  Involvement with the computers does not just provide children with diversified ways of operating, but it alters the functioning of their brains. Although the use of technology provokes attention, it may lead to distraction and shrinking of memory. Kids who continuously use search engines to seek information may have difficulty at recalling. Moreover, overdependence on technology diminishes the opportunities of developing creative skills (Chauhan, 2017).

Technology affects the learner’s feelings. Use of technology has been linked to the decreasing of the kid’s capacity to empathize. Also, too much electronic devices interfere with the moods of the kids. A survey reveals that children who accessed the computers for over five hours each day decreased the sense of wellbeing as compared to the children who had access to the devices for a shorter period (Costley, 2014).

Technology compromises safety and privacy issues. In the process of using electronic and online platforms, children may unknowingly pass on information to predators[2]

thus putting their lives at risk. In Over 80% of offenses against children, the perpetrator used online platforms in accessing information (Costley, 2014).

Overuse of technology promotes the development of obesity. Technology has been found to encourage the proliferation of childhood obesity. Although some kinds of diet stimulate putting on too much weight use of technology discourages exercises.


Chauhan, S. (2017). A meta-analysis of the impact of technology on learning effectiveness of           elementary students. Computers & Education, 105, 14-30.

Costley, K. C. (2014). The Positive Effects of Technology on Teaching and Student Learning.                    Online Submission.

Kulik, J. A. (2003). Effects of using instructional technology in elementary and secondary        schools: What controlled evaluation studies say. Arlington, VA: sri International.



Mobile media refers to the assortment of portable electronic devices including mobile phones, game controllers, and tablets that can be linked through the internet. 


Predators here refer to cyberbullying in which perpetrators may engage in promoting harassment, pretending to be a good friend and then taking advantage of the rust gained, and spreading false information.

September 04, 2023




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