Comparison of CSUSB School Of Nursing Philosophy

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The research by Iwasiw, Goldenberg, and Andrusyszyn (2014) illustrates that purpose and definition introduce philosophy to various phenomena. Notably, the aspects of tradition in the fields of general education and nursing are the factors that corroborate this assertion. Significantly, I find that the subject helps to meet curriculum demands, faculty development, appraisals, and scholarships that are provided by the university (Department of Nursing, 2018). The study examines the philosophy of the Cal State University School of Nursing to find whether the department adheres to Iwasiw's beliefs. Importantly, the CSUSB administration believes in shared values among staff, students, stakeholders, and old university members. This aspect shows that the institute follows the traditional philosophies as described by Iwasiw et al. (2014).

Significantly, the nursing school promotes the beliefs that encourage social well-being such as good health and peaceful co-existence (Department of Nursing, 2018). Moreover, the theories advance clinical practice, validate decisions in this program, and generate knowledge for ethical practice among the population. The faculty also trusts in outcomes that are cognitive, affective, and promoted by strategies of continuous development. As such, I find these elements resonating with my ideas and those of Aristotle that demand that individuals must adhere to societal values and ethics. The promotion of professionalism and psychomotor are some of the learning theories that support the resonation of the philosophy that is enhanced by Cal State University, School of Nursing (Department of Nursing, 2018).

Notably, the curriculum offered by Azusa Pacific University compares to that of Cal State University as both faculties strive towards training students to become intellectual leaders (Azusa Pacific University, 2018). Equally, Azusa's mission and vision are geared toward developing education goals that encompass being intellectually, historically, and pragmatically informed (Azusa Pacific University, 2018). The distinctive features of Azusa include classical Christian orientation, the sanity of heart and mind as well as community-oriented service. These critical factors also feature in Cal State University's mission statement in the form of integrity and community justice, thus indicating the similarity between the institutions.


Department of Nursing. (2018). Retrieved 22 January 2018, from

Department of Philosophy - Azusa Pacific University. (2018). Retrieved 22 January 2018, from

Iwasiw, C. L., Goldenberg, D., & Andrusyszyn, M. A. (2014). Curriculum development in nursing education. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

March 13, 2024




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