Comparison between Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group and World Wide Web Consortium

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The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an integrated and specialized international community that major and prioritize in the development of open standards in efforts of ensuring that there is consistency in the growth of the Web. One of the social benefits and values of W3C is to provide ease in communication, education, and commerce among the human race (Gloor et al.). It has an importance of ensuring that these benefits are enjoyed by anyone no matter the hardware, network infrastructure, the native language they are using or their mental and physical ability. In this regard, W3C has a vision of keeping people updated through participation, sharing of knowledge and in the long run building utmost trust across the globe.

The purpose of Web Hypertext Applications Technology Working Group is to create technical specifications to be used by the Web browsers to have a stable and comprehensive developing environment for applications in Web. In the year 2004, the former employees of Mozilla, Opera, and Apple gang up to form WHATWG to achieve the goal of Web development (Stevens and Owen 9). However, they have some researchers and editors who expertise on specifications documents was thereby improving the Web standards especially the HTML. The difference that exists between W3C and WHATWG is that W3C has a latest addition of the central element which ideally defines the core functionality of the application while WHATWG doesn’t assign any value to the main feature.

WHATWG is the best and relevant community that should have full control over HTML since their efforts are standard and always on bettering HTML while on the other side W3C calls for just recommendations (Sharma, Priyanka and Manish 1433). In this regard, many users usually desire software that evolves to better living standards such as that of HTML which is improved and developed by WHATWG, not W3C. These two groups are still relevant and essential to the Web since both have different opinions on Web development thus user satisfaction which guaranteed through competition.


Works Cited

Gloor, Peter A., et al. “Visualization of communication patterns in collaborative innovation networks-analysis of some w3c working groups.” Proceedings of the twelfth international conference on Information and knowledge management. ACM, 2003.

Sharma, T. N., Priyanka Bhardwaj, and Manish Bhardwaj. “Differences between HTML and HTML 5.” International Journal of Computational Engineering Research 2.5 (2012): 1430-1437. Print.

Stevens, Luke, and Owen, R. J. “A somewhat sensationalized history of HTML5.” The truth about HTML5. Apress, Berkeley, CA, 2014. 1-12.

September 11, 2023

Business Economics

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