Community Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

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199 views 4 pages ~ 916 words
Laibon Analysis

The Laibon culture is an important part of the Samburu community. Samburu’s main commercial operations are recognized fo...

269 views 5 pages ~ 1173 words
Negative Aspects of Advertising

The line between consumerism and culture has become increasingly blurred in recent years. Community is now defined by a ...

167 views 5 pages ~ 1245 words
Popular culture

A known people’s culture or vernacular that is prevalent in the community at a given time is referred to as popular cult...

149 views 5 pages ~ 1302 words
The City of Ladies by Christine

Christine’s wish for a world that honors women is reflected by the City of Ladies. In reality, gender equality exists in...

241 views 3 pages ~ 641 words
Extra Credit Class Reflection

A community is a collection of three or more persons that have an interdependent goal and interact with or influence eac...

119 views 2 pages ~ 323 words
Homeland Security Essay

Russia and United States had been the two nations in the frontline during the Cold War. The issue of hacking the America...

91 views 6 pages ~ 1422 words
Photographic memory existance

Everyone has a photographic memory; some just don’t have a film“ is a familiar and amusing quote that describes the plig...

220 views 3 pages ~ 632 words
Public space and black men

Brent Staples discusses in his post, Black Men and Public Space, how people’s perceptions of a person based on their rac...

230 views 10 pages ~ 2550 words
Racism in the film industry

The goal of this paper is to demonstrate how films have traditionally and at present been used to advance racial ideolog...

153 views 2 pages ~ 395 words
Sexual orientation and code of ethics

LGBT (Lesbian, bisexual, homosexual and transgender) people face a variety of hurdles, difficulties and barriers that ma...

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