Community Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

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139 views 5 pages ~ 1169 words
Baboons Introduction

Baboons are the contributors of the Old world Monkey community which is known as the Cercpithecide. Most of the baboons ...

134 views 12 pages ~ 3157 words
Christening Ceremony and Baby Baptism

Although it can be an exhausting and sleep-deprived experience, the birth of a new baby is often a joyous day for the ne...

186 views 5 pages ~ 1238 words
Khoisan & Linguistic Comminutes Sioux

Lakota is a Siouan language spoken by the Lakota people, who are members of the Sioux tribes. It is one of three Sioux d...

242 views 5 pages ~ 1199 words
The Use of Irony in “Battle Royal” by Ralph Ellison

Battle Royal is an intriguing tale that has been written very well. The story tackles a number of concerns, including th...

222 views 6 pages ~ 1445 words
Poor Areas and Marketing by Tobacco Companies

The extract shows that areas inhabited by disadvantaged residents or African Americans typically have the largest concen...

270 views 8 pages ~ 2088 words
Message of Mass Media and It’s Influence

In today’s society, the mass media influence is stronger than it was in the past. It has the power to disseminate inform...

146 views 5 pages ~ 1220 words
Charity is not something that can be forced

The paper includes a charitable argument that supports the motion by stating that “charity cannot be forced.” Charities ...

135 views 4 pages ~ 841 words
Software Licensing in Open Source Essay

Today, open source software is widely used as a common method of publicly disseminating software within the community. H...

167 views 3 pages ~ 591 words
Cultural Appropriation and Exploration

Cultural exploitation occurs often and widely around the globe. Simply placed, this phenomenon involves the use of objec...

131 views 6 pages ~ 1473 words
Indian act abolishment

The Indian Act is a federal statute in Canada that regulates Indian brands, reserves, and status. It has been highly pat...

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