Commercial Lesson Plan

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Since they are free to use any design and format they choose, most American teachers naturally prefer to create their own lesson plans rather than using programs that are available for purchase. However, given the importance of effective lesson plans in generating good student outcomes, crucial components of objectives, activities, and tools should be included and concentrated on fulfilling the needs of all students (Ormrod, 2014). Given that it contained the crucial components of setting out objectives, instruments to be used, and activity plans, Clarkson’s lesson plan on the American Revolution met the fundamental requirements of an appropriate lesson plan in this particular circumstance. From the lesson plan, students are required to identify valuable information about an event in American Revolution using four different attachments on past American events. Within a duration of 80 minutes, each activity is divided into a timeframe where most of the learning would come from each other instead of it being from the teacher. Students are assigned to groups where team members actively participate in identifying necessary information at a time in history (Clarkson, 2015). Most importantly, the review ensures that students have met their learning objectives making the lesson plan efficient.

When tutors engage learners in developing their ability and understanding outside the traditional educational framework, they are often referred to as transformational educators. Nonetheless, regardless of the title, there has not been any specific tool and design that could be used in making transformative education successful (Ormrod, 2014). Therefore, the presented lesson plan requires more showing than telling pictures and videos are used to enable students to get more understanding of how the American past was. The attached readings on different historical events in the U.S. history provide a bulky work for students to read in order to understand past events given their limited duration of time. Online videos alongside short readings are an accessory that could be used in providing quick information that could be helpful in the identification of specific facts. Furthermore, it is important to include what the students would love to help them gain a better understanding that they would not quickly forget.

At the same time, group learning activities have been focused on teamwork thereby forgetting introverts who need more time to process what they have in mind (Good & Lavigne, 2017). In this case, the lesson plan does not provide adequate time for individual understanding since majority of the work is done in groups. Therefore, the plan could increase time after asking questions in a bid to strengthen introverts participation and knowledge of the activities involved. Even though not adequate enough, the inclusive approach will provide time for the individual students’ needs to be met. A teacher should not only consider the lesson plan but the bigger picture where some lessons could be given after this one. Students should be able to gain the bigger view regardless of whether the lesson plan is being used or not (Ormrod, 2014). Understanding the American Revolution does not only point out critical historical facts but enables one to know how different societal aspects contributed to the growth of America. As it is, social studies encompass different aspects that display our interactions with the society. In this case, the American Revolution includes historical, economic, and sociological elements that have been tightly woven together to provide a clear description of how the reforms and events impacted the modern day America. Students should be, therefore, able to integrate what they have understood from the past readings to what is presently seen in the current times. In this regard, the lesson plan should have included a homework section that ties the topic to real life experiences and undertakings. For instance, how did the American Revolution from the attached readings shape our current society?

Ideally, students are not blank slates upon which knowledge could be etched. Preferably, their learning process takes place in stages where knowledge, ideas, and understanding is formulated. As with the case of modern paradigms, constructivism is important, particularly when wanting to meet all students’ needs and expand their knowledge. Apart from collaborative learning as seen on this plan’s group work activities, educators should be able to provide inquiry and intelligence where students create their own questions and allow multiple interpretations of their understanding (Good & Lavigne, 2017). The lesson plan would be on a level 5 on a scale of 1-10 on constructivism. Students should control their own learning process as established in the plan where Clarkson’s idea was for the students to learn from each other rather than depending on their teachers. The educator’s role only created a situation of processes that students would follow. The fundamental basis of constructivism is solving problems where investigative topics push students to explore research in finding answers (Good & Lavigne, 2017). The social studies lesson plan was neither based on inquiry nor was it based on using past information in understanding current affairs. Instead, it was only geared towards identifying relevant information. For instance, the topic could have been based on a question in order for students to link the past and the present and a meaningful manner that explains the underlying logic of social studies.


Clarkson, A. (2015). A Living Timeline: The American Revolution. Viewed on Dec. 24, 2017

Good, T. L., & Lavigne, A. L. (2017). Looking in classrooms. Routledge.

Ormrod, J. E. (2014). Essentials of educational psychology: Big ideas to guide effective teaching. Pearson Higher Ed.

February 09, 2023




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