Classroom Management Plans

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Different students from various economic backgrounds make up the class. Some of them struggle with math, while others struggle with reading. Some students attend schools that may not offer the right programs to support their learning. So, in the classroom, I would enhance the methods for instructing students with mild to moderate disabilities in reading and arithmetic.

In this special class, I would create a motivating learning environment to motivate the learners and, make them take part in the learning activities. According to the CEC, professional ethical principles, practice standards, and professional policies, special education teachers need to adapt instructional methods to increase the learning results of behaviors with extraordinariness. In this classroom, I will also identify and use evidence-based teaching practices that are suitable to their specialized groundwork and are most active in attaining the individual requirements of students with exceptionalities in the classroom. Apart from this, I will use the periodic assessment to assess the learning development of personalities with extraordinariness and individualize teaching methods depending on the findings obtained from the evaluation.


The modification made in the classroom will help in creating a safe and motivating learning environment in the classroom. The safe environment will motivate the learners to take part in different learning activities, which in turn will improve their learning process. These modifications will help the teacher in selecting the best teaching methodologies that suit the individual difference in the classroom. The method selected will also be culturally responsive because the class consists of learners from different cultural backgrounds.

These modifications will contribute to the creation of culturally and linguistically proper assessment procedures that measures what they intend to measure during the evaluation process without discriminating the learners based on their cultural backgrounds. The modifications will also make the teacher only use behavior change techniques in the classroom. The CEC, professional ethical principles, practice standards, and professional policies note that the teacher needs to use behavior change methods that are suitable for their training, and depending on the different culture, self-respect, and necessary human rights of students with the disability.

The professional standards also indicate that the teacher needs to use of positive behavior supports and coincide to local strategies connecting to the use of disciplinary teaching methods and behavior modification measures, apart from the policies that require involvement in corporal punishment. The changes made in the classroom will help in modifying the different techniques used in encouraging behavior change among the learners.

Part two

Creating Classroom Management Plans

Statement of purpose

The self-contained classroom consists of eight students that have different disorders ranging from anxiety disorder to emotional disorder. The primary objective of the Classroom Management plans to provide a diverse a nurturing environment for these groups of learners. Students can only learn in situations they feel comfortable and these students will only be comfortable when some rules and regulations reduce behavioral problems and make the lesson run well and without difficulty. In the classroom, it is necessary for the teacher to control behavior problems. It is important for the teacher to set up rules and regulations that can be used to monitor these actions to prevent these problems. Finally, it is also important to support these learners academically and regarding behavior modifications.


• All the students are expected to learn and listen to the teacher during the teaching and learning process.

• All the students are expected to take part in the different classroom activities as instructed by the teacher. Whereby, all students are expected to ask question and respond to question when asked during classroom activities.

• The students should respect the teacher and all the classmates in the classroom

• The students’ needs to pay attention to what other students are saying during class discussions and group discussions

• The students must always try their best during classroom learning activities.


The teacher will conduct a weekly assessment of these learners to determine their learning outcomes and to assess the different instructional methods used to check whether they are effective. The teacher will use Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), which is mainly concerned with the complicated relationship between thoughts, feelings, and behavior. In this case, the students are taught to unlearn negative outcomes and learn real ways of reacting to strange circumstances by using constructive inner speech.

The Self-Regulated Learning approach will be utilized in this classroom, and the method focuses on the relationship between cognition and behavior (Effeney, Carrol, and Bahr, 2013). The approach is a regulated by inspiration and aims at increasing student skill to self-sufficiently set goals and successfully apply the recurring process of preparation, monitoring, and assessment to positively attain their objectives. Hessels-Schlatter, Hessels, Godin and Spillmann (2016) notes the level at which learners in an exceptional classroom regulate their learning influences their academic success. In case the students are motivated active driving force of their studying who proficiently set and attain their objectives, they encounter academic development, advancement, and achievement.


Some of the implications of the plan include active learning among the learners. Improve classroom communication. The students will be prompted to take part in classroom activities. The students will be in a position of setting their goals and working towards the attainment of these intentions Marshall (2001). The teacher will be in a position of designing different teaching aids for the classroom that can supplement the actual teaching. The teaching methods selected in this class will mainly focus on the development of the learner. Furthermore, consultation with the parents will be made for the proper support of the students.

An action plan for implementation

Classroom rules will be placed on the notice board where all the students can see and follow as there view it on a regular basis. The classroom arrangement will be organized in such way that the students can take part in different class discussion without interfering with one another. The instructions presented in the classroom will be easy to understand to avoid confusing the learner. Visual aids like the charts pictures, graphs to attract the students (Mitchell 2014). Thus the teacher will use a lot of visual aids to attract the learners in the classroom. Compatible children will be put to work together during the teaching process and different classroom activity, which in turn helps in the production of the working relationship among the learners. The teacher will always provide the students the opportunity to break and read story books, walk around and relax. The brake creates a calm situation in the classroom because the learners always need a break in between the lessons (Bear, Cavalier, and Manning, 2005).

The plan will lead to the creation of an active learning environment where students are encouraged to take part in the education process, and they are given frequent feedback during the classroom activities. Preventive techniques like praise and rewards can be used to apprise learners about their performance rather instead of manipulating student behavior. When using rewards to reinforce behavior, the teacher must stress the importance of the deeds that are remunerated and also clarify to learners the exact skills they established to earn the gift. Student collaboration must be emphasized when choosing rewards and describing appropriate actions that get rewards.

The culturally active classroom management will be used to manage the special education classroom. The approach assists the teacher in managing culturally diverse learners suffering from different disorders. The teacher will use the student’s background to control the students by selecting suitable teaching methods and activities the fits their experiences.


A special classroom consists of students who have different challenges that affect their learning process. The idea of teaching these students needs a proper plan that will help the teacher to interact with the learners and assist them to develop into holistic individuals. The process of education these students involve the exclusively designed and methodically monitored preparation of teaching procedures, adapted teaching equipment and materials, as well as available settings. This paper has developed Classroom Management Plans of eight students with different problems that affect their learning process. It has presented the statement of purpose, rules, procedures, consequences, and an action plan for implementation. Finally, more research should be conducted to explain some of the problems that arise in these kinds of classroom despite the teacher having a Classroom Management Plan.


Bear, G.G., Cavalier, A., & Manning, M. (2005). Developing self-discipline and preventing and

correcting misbehavior. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

Effeney, G., Carroll, A., & Bahr, N. (2013). Self-regulated learning: key strategies and their

sources in a sample of adolescent males. Australian Journal of Educational & Developmental Psychology, 13(1), 58-74.

Hessels-Schlatter, C., Hessels, M. G. P., Godin, H., & Spillmann-Rojas, H. (2016). Fostering self-regulated learning: from clinical to whole class interventions. Educational & Child Psychology, 34(1), 110-125.

Marshall, M (2001). Discipline without Stress, Punishments or Rewards. Los Alamitos: Piper


Mitchell, D. (2014). What really works in special and inclusive education: using evidence-based teaching strategies (2nd ed). NY: Routledge.

March 17, 2023
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