Casey city

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The city of Casey is an Australian local government region located in Victoria, Australia in the external south-eastern suburbs of Melbourne. The City of Casey is the most populated city in Victoria. The municipal was named after senior Lord Richard G. Casey who was the chief governor general of the report by Casey (2018), the town was formed in 1994 under Kennett state administration reforms. The city of Casey is a result of the amalgamation between cities of Berwick and Cranbourne. Before the amalgamation, Berwick city was 120 kilometers with a population of 75,000 while Cranbourne city covers 755 Kilometers with 83,000 residents. Casey town covers 420 square kilometers to southeast of a metropolitan Melbourne. Currently, city of Casey is bounded by many small towns.

According to Casey (2016), these include Knox and greater Dandenong on the west, mornington peninsula, and western port in the south. Boundaries of Casey city include police roads, the Churchill national park, Cardinia Creek, and many highways such as princes Highway. Casey metropolitan is a geographically diverse region covering many urban growth centres, industrial, commercial, and residential estates. In addition to coastal fishing communities, rural farming societies, and foothills of Dandenong mountain range. According to Casey (2018), most of Casey’s urban areas fall under Victoria state administration’s Melbourne 2030 growth and development project. As part of this scheme, more than half of Casey’s city areas lie within UGB (urban growth boundary). The UGB is a significant growth zone for Victoria and metropolitan Melbourne.

Fig 1.0 Location of the city of Casey

Population of Casey City

According to 2011 census’s report, city of Casey has a population of 261, 197 with about 80,900 households, making Casey more populated town than the Northern zone (Casey, 2016). Currently, Casey city is the seventh (7th) largest local administration regarding population and the leading in Victoria. Consequently, Casey municipality is one of the biggest and fastest growing city in Australia after Brisbane and Gold coast city councils. There is a constant increase in population by 43.6% from the last decade (Furlong et al.2016). With the increase in growth rate, the estimated population by 2035 is 460,000 which would make the city more occupied than the Australia capital zone.

Casey city has many venues and halls that are available for hire and other business activities. Some of these buildings include the Clyde, Hampton, cannons Creek society place, Rowan park, and Hallam reserve hall. For example, Westfield fountain gate (WFG) shopping Centre is one of the major retail buildings in the town. Casey city has five (5) diverse geographic areas stretching from the Foothills of Dandenong Ranges towards the coastal communities of the western port Bay (WPB). According to Furlong et al (2016), the main industries in Casey city include agriculture, manufacturing, building construction and structure services. Agricultural services are the leading followed by commercial services and parklands as shown below

Fig 1.0 Major industrial sectors


The dominant teams for employment are manufacturing, retail trade, social assistance and healthcare. Casey conurbation has been impacted by countless events such as Melbourne 2019 development scheme which led to the construction of better buildings and infrastructure. Casey’s residents have lived in the city since it was established. However, their population is characterized by members from other communities and nations.


Casey city is a multi-cultural and diverse society. Casey is A aboriginal cultural heritage having offered a foundation upon through which the wealth cultural diversity has been developing for many years. According to the report on City of Casey (2016), the current community of Casey city is an amalgam of many individual societies contained within different geographical boundaries. Some of the communities are well established, while others continue to emerge and being shaped. Some of the developing societies in Casey city include Narre Warren while developed cultures are like Endeavour Hills. Doveton is one of the oldest communities. English is the mode of communication in Casey city.

The non-English speaking residents account for 26% as compared to English speakers 30% (Furlong et al, 2016). Casey city has the highest number of residents who are majorly asylum or refugees. However, a part from English there are over 140 languages spoken in Casey city. Some include Arabic, Spanish, Tamil, Dari/Persian, Hindi, and Punjabi. city of Casey has a population of 261, 197 with about 80,900 households (city of Casey ,2016). This is lower than the other towns. Torres and Aboriginal strait islanders are the two common communities in Casey town. The extended family households involve one family unit which is characterised by men, women, and children. Majority of Casey’s residents are youths age 15-29 followed by adults 30-35. Consequently, children form 43% of the population.

Fig 1.2 Geographical Distribution of Casey city

Picture 1.0 Culture Diversity


Culture/Religion of Casey City

The city of Casey is a fast growing town in Australia with more than 151 various cultural backgrounds making it more diverse, multicultural, and vibrant. There are different activities, customs, and beliefs among Casey residents. According to Andrews, Warner and Robson (2018), over 121 faiths are being represented in the city of Casey. Andrews, Warner and Robson assert that  the major faiths in Casey town are Roman catholic (70,000 followers), Buddhism with 9,700 members, Anglicans (28,900), Uniting church (7,600), and Islam (13, 800).Members of these religions practice social norms and ethics as per the requirement of their faith. As a result, city of Casey is one of the diversified regions promoting cultural awareness.

Element Two-Environment and Accessibility

Physical Environment for City of Casey

A better understanding of the physical environment assists Casey society to seize the available opportunities and alleviate the challenges for sufficient development. Physical environment for the city refers to the natural environment and the present man-made setting. In their study Andrews, Warner and Robson (2018) outline that Casey’s natural environment consists of land area, slope and flood plains, natural drainage, vegetation, and soil. Consequently, man-made environment involves corporal structures, rock quarries and mines, the man-made lakes that lead to storm-water issues, public infrastructure, parks and reserves. Casey community currently has a land area of 407 square miles and is home to the magnificent coastlines (Strange, 2018). There is indigenous plants and animals in the city that are used as a source of tourist attraction site. Casey city has maximum evaporation rates and temperatures, along with possible decrease in the annual rainfall and a rise in drought. An increase in fire risks is likely to impact the residents, electricity supply, homes, and infrastructure.

High rising sea levels is anticipated to be the most pronounced challenge during the adverse storm and tide events. The sea levels would rise by 490mm due to the continuous change in climate. Moreover, Hunt (2016) elaborates that Casey town enjoys an efficient quality of air and natural waters from the rivers and lakes. Several topographies surround the city of Casey. They include Casey foothills, ocean, lakes, towns, roads, and dams. Generally, Casey society has humid climate. Currently, the city has modern infrastructure that increases its accessibility and business operations.

In their study Goodman, Buxton and Moloney (2016) affirm that the need to upgrade local and regional transport routes has significantly improved the access for city’s residents to many employment opportunities. Furthermore, the construction of a multi-use trail networks in the City significantly links the community and other major destinations across the globe.  The city is prone to many natural disasters such as high rainfall characterised by floods and storms. Additionally, the city might experience severe fire disasters due to congestions.

Mobility and transportation –Casey community has different modes of transport. These involve private and public mechanisms that include air transport such as airplanes and helicopters, water passage such as boats and ships (City of Casey, 2016).Train  is the main form of mobility to homes and work places since it is easily affordable. Train is followed by the bus, ferry, and motorbike. The city has over 100 minibuses with wheelchair hosts to transport both disabled and non-disabled individuals.

 The volunteer teams offer volunteer conveyance to enhance the movement of residents within the city. Additionally, there are walking paths and streets leading to various destinations. Over 1000 people use motorbikes or walk to their homes or workplace. Charges and hire fee apply to all these modes of transport (City of Casey, 2018). For example, a vehicle cost $ 1 while motorbikes cost $ 0.7. However, transportation causes severe pollution to the environment because of emissions from vehicles and planes. Transportation and mobility is more convenient in Casey city as compared to other regions of Victoria

Recreation- City of Casey has several sporting and recreation facilities for the entire population. This is achieved by the recreation and aquatic Centre (ARC) which constantly provides sporting services. Consequently, Casey council’s leisure and aquatic facilities provide gymnastics, swimming, stadium programs and many fitness and health events.ARC is assisted by RAP (recreation access program). Recently, 87% of Casey’s leisure activities involve attending theatre/stage shows, sporting matches, and movies. These events are available for everybody in the community irrespective of your status. For example, children, teenagers, and adults.

According to Avery (2016), better sporting activities have attracted many people from other communities. Major sporting fields include Timbarra society stadium, Shed skate Park, Casey Tennis Centre, and Casey stadium. However, there are threats involved in these services. They include security concerns and poor funding systems for the competitors. Recreation services involve culture, arts, and musical activities hence promoting peace, unity, and love within the community as compared to other cities in Victoria that experience conflicts. According to Andrews, Warner and Robson (2018), Casey community uses recreation services as a major source of interaction with different people from other towns and nations. The interaction leads to change of social norms and inter-marriages hence leading to increase culture diversity.

Element three: Socio-Economic State and Interaction

Economy –The economic indicators for every city include gross products, housing prices, unemployment, and population. Casey city is one of the biggest and debauched growing economy in Australia. The gross regional product (GRP) for the city is $ 8.70 billion representing 2.3% of the gross state product (GSP). Casey community has unemployment rate of 5.9% with the forthcoming job growth predicted to be 40% for the next 10 years. Youths are the most unemployed population (65%) followed by women (61%).Casey city’s sales tax rate (STR) is 7.5% while ITR (income tax rate) is 3.9%. Casey’s residents have an average income of $ 24, 000 per year with a median household income (MHI) of $ 40, 665 lower than other cities (Andrews, Warner and Robson, 2018). Retail trade is the largest industry with over 80, 000 local works and 20, 080 local enterprises accounting for 10.3%. According to Goodman, Buxton and Moloney (2016), other employment sectors include whole trade, construction (9.9%) agriculture (4%), warehousing and transportation (6.2%) much better than other cities around Casey community.

Fig 1.4 Socio-economic advantages and disadvantages of Casey city

Education-Casey community has private and public learning institutions. The city produces numerous resources and publications that offer the society with data on environmental, business, and economic concerns. About 27 % of Casey residents attend an educational organization with more than 62,000 people having a tertiary qualification (city of Casey 2018). Learning begins in childcare centres to university level. Private schools account for 65% while public learning institutions account for 67%.The highest level of education achieved by students is a bachelor’s or higher degree followed by diploma and vocational programs.

Other additional curriculum activities provided by educational facilities include sports and entertainment programs (city of Casey 2018). Some of the learning institutions include Dolphin research institute (DRI) and Casey university. Casey city has higher literacy level as compared to other towns. Currently the council is constructing many higher learning institutions to accommodate the ever increasing interest in education by the residents. Education is considered the major source of knowledge for effective innovation in technology and science for the better Casey city.

Safety in the city of Casey-As a fast growing city, Casey society is highly exposed to huge number of foreign investors and entrepreneurs. Accordingly, the city enjoys sufficient security from the council, authorities. There are many safety policies and regulations that promote good health and personal well-being of the inhabitants (city of Casey, 2018). Council security department deploys policemen to safeguard the streets, business buildings, and recreational amenities.

 There are several medical institutions that provide treatment for different diseases. Subsequently, the council provides child security and prevention strategies (Avery, 2016). The council has local laws for ensuring peace, good government, order, safety and protection of the society and town assets. The council has CCTV cameras in the streets and within the government buildings. There are several firefighting devices and flood control mechanisms (Goodman, Buxton, & Moloney, 2016). More significant, the council is investing in cloud computing services to manage the data for employees and residents in every sector. Moreover, there is sufficient food and road safety plans hence enhancing growth and development for the council.

Services and Resources

Social/ health services –City of Casey offers public and private health facilities for its residents. Additionally, there are non-governmental and volunteer organizations that enhances the health status of the city. Many community care programs are available for the city occupants. They include Home care which assists the eligible consumers to maintain independence while staying at home, personal care services that are offered to help disable and older people.

In his study Petrides (2016) outlines that other services provided include Aboriginal access and assistance. Wheels and meals programs offer a nutritional balance for those individuals at risk or with a decreased capacity to make their own meals. Casey city has several social support projects that aim at reducing social isolation by providing the residents with opportunities of venturing into new activities, establishing links, and improving the environment. According to Perera, Thompson and Chen (2018), the international programs such as WHO (world health organizations) have designed many health project to reduce health issues such as obesity, cancer, and other disorders. As, a result, Casey city is has a vast resources for health than her neighboring towns. However, Casey city has effective government and growing politics as outlined below

Government and Politics-City of Casey is a local council government with many leaders. The city is known for its firebrand politics that has led to emergence of powerful leaders such as general Casey. Members of parliament formulate rules and regulations governing the council through Victorian legislative assembly (VRA) and legislative council. These authorities create rules that promote the health of the community for better survival. Councilors serve as the direct link between the people and the government. They represent various issues affecting the community to the legislative councils. Therefore, the city of Casey is a representation of a better organized state.


Andrews, F. J., Warner, E., & Robson, B. (2018). High-rise parenting: experiences of families in private, high-rise housing in inner city Melbourne and implications for children’s health. Cities & Health, 1-11.

Avery, T. (2016). Values not shared: the street art of Melbourne’s city laneways. In Valuing Historic Environments(pp. 153-168). Routledge.

casey 2016:Retrieved from:

city of casey 2018: retrieved from:

Furlong, C., De Silva, S., Guthrie, L., & Considine, R. (2016). Developing a water infrastructure planning framework for the complex modern planning environment. Utilities Policy, 38, 1-10.

Goodman, R., Buxton, M., & Moloney, S. (2016). Planning Melbourne: lessons for a sustainable city. CSIRO PUBLISHING.

Hunt, G. (2016). Long-term planning and cities for the next century. Planning News, 42(1), 7.

Perera, L., Thompson, R. G., & Chen, Y. (2018). Understanding Road Freight Movements in Melbourne. City Logistics 3: Towards Sustainable and Liveable Cities, 181-199.

Petrides, L. (2016). The suburban dream: White picket fences, rooming houses and backpack beds. Parity, 29(5), 17.

Strange, I. (2018). Urban Planning and City Futures: Planning for Cities in the Twenty-First Century. In Smart Futures, Challenges of Urbanisation, and Social Sustainability (pp. 13-28). Springer, Cham.


Signs of A Better Product in The Community

Tobacco:                                                Alcohol:            

Fruit/Vege intake:                                  Drugs:                

Mental Health:                                      Dental:                

References:                                    Stars (rating):             

Good/Better:                                          Bad/Worse:               


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