Case Study - Motivation in the Workplace

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This essay will focus on discussing the motivational ideas that can be used to address Acme’s problems with staff morale and productivity.

Additionally, the benefits and drawbacks of how these ideas might be applied in addressing will be discussed. Finally, it will emphasize the communication tactics that are in line with the chosen theories of motivation. This will be the analysis and relevant theories in draft form.

Herzberg The two-factor hypothesis

acknowledges that there are a number of elements that affect employees’ contentment or dissatisfaction at work. According to the idea, satisfaction and dissatisfaction variables exist on separate continuums; hence, increasing satisfaction would not mean reducing dissatisfaction of employees (House & Wigdor, 1967).

McGregor’s theory X and Theory Y

The theory recognizes two set of organization, X, and Y. X organizations align to traditional management of structures, hierarchy, supervision, and punishment. Y organizations allow the employee to determine how they work, focus on motivation and empowerment of employees to accomplish their tasks (McGregor, 1960).

Process Theories


the theory posits that the behavior of employees can be modeled using a reward system described as operant conditioning. Desirable traits are reinforced while bad behavior is punished. Behaviors that are associated with increasing employee’s motivation and output are encouraged through the reinforcement system, and those which reduce the morale are punished or negatively rewarded (Cameron & Pierce, 1994).

Goal-setting theory

the theory supports the analogy that engaging employees in setting goals are a method of developing the requisite motivation of achieving them. Involving employees at the planning stage help in setting realistic targets that employees strive to achieve. The goal setting process must be tied to motivating factors which include reward systems (Locke & Latham, 1994).

Applicable Motivational Theories

Both the process and content theories are applicable in providing motivational guidelines at Acme. The case provides an instance where both management style and individual beliefs clash, therefore, reducing the motivation of employees in the Internal Support Group. Kerry, Peter, and Siri think that Ron does not allow them space to work. Theory Y could help management by empowering employees, allowing them the liberty to plan their work in meeting the organization needs. Goal-setting theory encourages coordination between management and employees in setting realistic targets (Locke & Latham 1994). This makes it applicable to our case. Ron made some changes in the organization which required seeking permission before consulting other members of the team. It has affected the motivation of employees. The reinforcement theory is applicable in this case because it would recognize such actions as negative reinforcement and punish it through its elimination. Berl and Lilith are comfortable with the performance of the unit at the moment because they are satisfied. However, suing Herzberg two factors theory, satisfaction and dissatisfaction lie in the different continuum. It would be advisable that Ron identify factors that are causing dissatisfaction among the employees and initiate changes that improve employee’s satisfaction.

Strengths and Limitations in Addressing Motivational Issues

Implementation of these theories is constrained by the prevailing management strategy at Acme. The reinforcement theory is likely to be effective because Ron is likely to understand the adverse effect of his approach and eliminate the practice. The employees lack a precise consensus on what they think about Ron position. Amil, Lilith, and Berl seem to be contented and therefore indicate their satisfaction. Herzberg two-factor theory is applicable because satisfaction and dissatisfaction factors are different to the organizational context. Ron seems to subscribe to the ideologies of Theory X while the employees prefer working under the recommendations of theory Y. Collaboration between employees requires Ron’s permission; increasing bureaucracy and reducing morale. It may be difficult to change a personal opinion, especially where it involves the head of the unit. The employees bring in expertise from different field and will be a good foundation of encouraging collaboration using the goal-setting theory.

Strengths and Limitations Affecting Change

Application of these theories in effecting change in the department would be strengthened because there is a clear distinction between personal and organizational goals. Half of the employees indicated satisfaction with the current leadership under Ron. However, it is equally important to address dissatisfaction so as to gratify the employees need for achievement and self-realization. Furthermore, Ron has not discouraged collaboration but intent to coordinate the process for the good of the organization performance. The role of the department in achieving the overall organizational goals is essential and is likely to receive support from the CEO who is keen to ensure the employees are utilized to the optimum. However, Ron is a hierarchical person, and the informal meeting may be read as an act of defiance if it is known. He is new in the department, and it is expected of him to make slight changes to conform to his philosophy. Changes require the support of top management to be affected. This is a major block because the management philosophy of the supervisor aligns with Theory X while the employees subscribe to theory Y.

Communication Strategies

Open communication is one of the strategies that could be applied to improving employee morale at Acme. Ron suspended the flexibility that Carol had introduced and required all consultative communication between employees be channeled through him. Open communication will improve the employee’s confidence in Ron and reduce the time of collaboration. Ron should also state the kind of issues that employees can consult to enhance unity of direction and achievement of common goals (Mayfield & Mayfield, 2002). Consultative communication will also help employees gain the loyalty of their leader because it is a sign that the leader values their opinions. Empowering communication could be used to indicate the level of responsibility bestowed upon the employees (Men, 2014). It defines the domain that the leader and employees operate for coexistence.



Cameron, J., & Pierce, W. D. (1994). Reinforcement, reward, and intrinsic motivation: A meta-analysis. Review of Educational Research, 64(3), 363-423.

House, R. J., & Wigdor, L. A. (1967). Herzberg’s dual‐factor theory of job satisfaction and motivation: A review of the evidence and criticism. Personnel Psychology, 20(4), 369-390.

Locke, E., & Latham, G. (1994). Goal-setting theory, National Forum 159.

Mayfield, J., & Mayfield, M. (2002). Leader communication strategies critical paths to improving employee commitment. American Business Review, 20(2), 89.

McGregor, D. (1960). Theory X and theory Y. Organization theory, 358-374.

Men, L. R. (2014). Strategic internal communication: Transformational leadership, communication channels, and employee satisfaction. Management Communication Quarterly, 28(2), 264-284.

February 22, 2023
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