Business Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

When you are told to write a perfect Business essay, the chances are high that you might feel a bit confused since it is such a broad area to brainstorm. Keeping this fact in mind, we came up with a great selection of Business essay samples that cover it all from business management to various marketing aspects and the popular startups. All of it and more you can discover in our samples. Remember that when you are dealing with any business, it is vital to keep every statement that you make supported with relevant evidence and a strong thesis statement. It is exactly what makes essays on the business look satisfactory in the eyes of even the most demanding college professors.

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182 views 2 pages ~ 344 words
The Importance of Information System in Business

The owners of Henry’s hardware, Henry and Cathleen, are running the small family business without any proper record keep...

91 views 5 pages ~ 1240 words
Google Sheets - An Evidence for Data Analytics Firm

System software’s are the extra hands for the businesses to be informed, to communicate, to analyse and to prosper in th...

225 views 4 pages ~ 862 words
Business Plan for Kay Gift Services

Kay Gift Services is an online gift store and delivery service that offers a process of selecting a wide array of custom...

177 views 5 pages ~ 1222 words
A Case Study on Managing Remote Teams

This writing is a case study brief focusing on a case based on the subject of the art of managing remote or off-site tea...

141 views 2 pages ~ 394 words
The Challenges of International Human Resource Management

There has been an ever increasing in the number of organizations that have internationalized their operations. This tren...

138 views 6 pages ~ 1630 words
The Importance of Change Management in Healthcare Organizations

A major area of management in healthcare practice that is of great concern is the management of change. The managements ...

96 views 7 pages ~ 1838 words
Compensation and Performance

The organization’s goal is to maximize the profit of the shareholders. The goal of HRM is to design, develop and impleme...

179 views 6 pages ~ 1522 words
Management Approaches in the Current Organizations

The human relations theory and the classical management theories represent tow standpoints of management on the opposite...

70 views 6 pages ~ 1497 words
Australian Hardware

Australian Hardware is a business enterprise which deals with a wide range of equipment and tools for construction as we...

271 views 1 pages ~ 271 words
Problems in Disney Junior

From the case study ‘Walt Disney Company Headquarters, Burbank, California’, the major problems that Disney Junior is fa...

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