Business Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

When you are told to write a perfect Business essay, the chances are high that you might feel a bit confused since it is such a broad area to brainstorm. Keeping this fact in mind, we came up with a great selection of Business essay samples that cover it all from business management to various marketing aspects and the popular startups. All of it and more you can discover in our samples. Remember that when you are dealing with any business, it is vital to keep every statement that you make supported with relevant evidence and a strong thesis statement. It is exactly what makes essays on the business look satisfactory in the eyes of even the most demanding college professors.

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127 views 9 pages ~ 2262 words
The Merger of Inmarko and Unilever

Merging two separate entities has never been an easy task. The integration of different cultures into one philosophy pos...

216 views 2 pages ~ 366 words
Whirlpool Supply Turnaround Strategy

Upon internal evaluation, Whirlpool adopted some steps to implement its supply turnaround strategy. The first step for t...

231 views 4 pages ~ 1061 words
Human Resource Department of an Organization

The success of any organization is partially dependent on the strategies that are implemented by the Human Resource Depa...

138 views 4 pages ~ 878 words
The Impact of Cultural Diversity in the Workplace

Cultural difference in the workplace is the presence of people of different ethnicity, religion and race in cooperation ...

232 views 7 pages ~ 1659 words
Human Relations Theory

Basically, owing to the dynamism at the workplace in the 21st century, the best management theory would be human relatio...

189 views 8 pages ~ 2186 words
Competitive Analysis of Volkswagen Company

Since its establishment, Volkswagen has grown into a formidable player in the global market (West, Ford & Ibrahim, 2015)...

69 views 2 pages ~ 365 words
How Kaizen Improves My Life

I made several improvements by applying the model to my daily routine. First, I learned to make my bed when I woke up to...

204 views 7 pages ~ 1800 words
The Importance of Staff Motivation

In many companies, there are various reasons why workers should be motivated. Primarily, staff motivation makes the mana...

200 views 4 pages ~ 906 words
Natural Gas Pipeline Explosion in Lafayette, Indiana

In the past few days, I came across an article discussing Jetstream aerospace which is an international company involved...

185 views 2 pages ~ 437 words
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Traditional Predictors

Traditional predictors have been for a long time the method used to search and recruit new employees. Some of its advant...

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