Business Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

When you are told to write a perfect Business essay, the chances are high that you might feel a bit confused since it is such a broad area to brainstorm. Keeping this fact in mind, we came up with a great selection of Business essay samples that cover it all from business management to various marketing aspects and the popular startups. All of it and more you can discover in our samples. Remember that when you are dealing with any business, it is vital to keep every statement that you make supported with relevant evidence and a strong thesis statement. It is exactly what makes essays on the business look satisfactory in the eyes of even the most demanding college professors.

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122 views 3 pages ~ 755 words
Business Functions

Business functions refer to the daily activities carried out by a business enterprise. The functions facilitate the inte...

297 views 8 pages ~ 2173 words
The Impact of Dieselgate Scandal on Volkswagen

Businesses are required to operate in accordance with the codes of ethics pertaining to the provision of a particular pr...

231 views 16 pages ~ 4206 words
Long Haul LCC as a Winning Business Model in the Aviation Industry

As explained by Belobaba, Odoni and Barnhart (2016) and Schlumberger and Weisskopf (2014), the type of business model ch...

136 views 5 pages ~ 1236 words
Personal Reflection

ASICS is an established brand in a field that is characterised by co0mpetition from other leading companies dealing with...

278 views 16 pages ~ 4375 words
The Non-Alcoholic Beverage Industry in Nigeria

Honestly Juices is a manufacturer, marketer, and seller of fresh organic juice products that are aligned with the health...

156 views 18 pages ~ 4771 words
Feasibility of an Enterprise Systems Solution for Bandon Group

Bandon Group is a family-owned United States distributor of copiers, faxes, and electronic printers in addition to other...

116 views 2 pages ~ 308 words
Regression Analysis of Advertising Sales

Based on the multiple regression analysis output in the excel sheet “Model A”, the regression model is estimated to be; ...

232 views 4 pages ~ 984 words
The Role of Information Technology in Promoting Globalization

Basu, K. (2016). Globalization of labor markets and the growth prospects of nations. The article Globalization of Labor ...

142 views 4 pages ~ 972 words
Betty’s Right-Versus-Right Situation

Betty is confronted with a situation that Badaracco (2002) refers to as a being compelled to do the right thing based on...

219 views 15 pages ~ 4048 words
The Rationale of Birkenstock Internationalization Strategy

Birkenstock Orthopedic GmbH & Company is a German manufacturer and distributor of sandals and other shoes. The firm ...

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