Business-level strategy

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As a frequent customer in Atlanta, Georgia, I have learned how well the Coca-Cola company values its relationships with consumers. By offering useful information to their clients, they can establish a relationship with them. By doing this, they keep their customers informed about the specific products they enjoy the most. They also provide their clients more power. They do a great job of resolving the issues of the clients. Customers are greatly motivated by this empowerment, which encourages them to return often (Furrer, 2016). This business should set up the control and test groups, in my opinion. This will provide a highly accurate gauge of client performance. A good example is that they ask the customers on what they feel on the beverages’ price. If its favoring both the company and these customers, they shift to it and this motivates and empowers. Basing on my experience, if this company can switch to a better cost leadership, it can develop the frugal culture of the company and also make developments on the economics of scale.

Apple, Inc: Keeping the “I” in innovation

Apple has constantly strived to separate themselves from their competitors. They have never allowed what others do affect their administrations and items. This enables Apple to take the front seat while making and forcing new items, bundles and contraptions. A good example is the way various organizations copy the MacBook and iPod outlines. Apple installs a standard for most extreme different companies (Mandel et al, 2015). They look up to apple to get their thoughts and to rival them. If Apple endeavor to remain one stage ahead of them, therefore they’ll always remain on the very top. They have to hold making their programs engaging and individual charming. The moment something transforms into excessively confounded, then buyers will begin seeking out some other logo to go to. All the same, for Apple to remain one stage ahead, they should always ensure that their stock is value productive and easy to use.


The creation of diversification is possible through various ways, but integration is one of the best ways that can increase a company’s level of value in the market. The company of my choice is Suzseams company in Atlanta Georgia. They made use of this integration. They used to convey plus size attires in their company and right now it is even possible to shop these attires on-line (Rothaermel, 2015). A negative impact can be if this corporation fail to implement this diversification. They can lose their business because of this. If they could branch out and in any case, customers couldn’t care less how clean it’s far to do returns, I have to therefore endeavor on stuff.

Victory Motorcycles

The plan of the level of the business which has given rise to Victory Motorcycles so bulging around the world is its diversification plan. The corporate is extremely prolonged with a comprehensive variety of supplies produced like watercrafts, motorbikes and snowm (Maioglou, 2017). This makes the company an extremely diversified one. What this organization needs to do is articulate strategic tactics for new motorized design and advance the competence.


Furrer, O. (2016). Corporate level strategy: Theory and applications. Routledge.

Mandl, K. D., Mandel, J. C., & Kohane, I. S. (2015). Driving innovation in health systems through an apps-based information economy. Cell systems, 1(1), 8-13.

Rothaermel, F. T. (2015). Strategic management. McGraw-Hill Education.

Maioglou, D. (2017). Motorcycle Design: defining a new typology and form for the electric motorcycle of the 21st century.

March 02, 2023

Business Life


Corporations Myself

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Coca-Cola Company Values

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