Buddhism Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

As a peaceful religion, Buddhism is mostly a way of life and ancient culture, which makes it inspiring to come up with one's Buddhism essay. However, if you do not know much about Buddhism and it is your first essay dealing with this particular subject, you should not fear. Take a closer look at our essay samples on Buddhism as they contain the most important facts and analytical information that will help you as you compose your paper. These samples follow formatting and style according to the highest educational standards, which will help you as you combine your thoughts and the citations that you discover. Moreover, you can think of some similar ideas as you browse through essays on Buddhism presented below.

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73 views 6 pages ~ 1448 words
Buddhism transition to the West By Barry Magid

The goal of this investigation is to explain the westernization of Buddhism as discussed by Barry Magid in his book “End...

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The Neo-Confucian Revolution

Neo-Confucianism is a variant of Confucianism that emerged during the rule of the Chinese Song dynasty, and it offers an...

178 views 7 pages ~ 1868 words
About Hinduism

Religion is a Latin term that originally meant to bring or tie back. It is all that returns to or connects to God, and i...

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Women in Buddhism

Mahinda Thera brought Buddhism to Sri Lanka and India at a time when women were seen as weaker and less important (Lesli...

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Hinduism and Buddhism

Religion remains one of society’s most critical facets. Hinduism and Buddhism are two of the oldest religions on the pla...

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Ganesh - The God of Wisdom

The story of Ganesh is an age-old one, which is why we celebrate his birthday on May 5th. He is the god of wisdom, and his head resembles an ele...

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Understanding the Nature of Karma

In Vedic scriptures, the study of being and karma is known as Upanishads. In the 1st millennium bce, a Vedic theologian named Yajnavalkya expres...

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People are always eager to know what awaits them in the future, what needs to be done to achieve their goals, and how to realize their cherished...

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The Yungang Cave

The Yungang Cave 20, that is 14m tall, is one of the most prominent images in the Chinese arts. The cave can only be com...

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