Benefits of Internal Promotions in the Company.

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In-house talent development benefits the business in numerous ways, including developing highly motivated employees, raising employee satisfaction levels, and enhancing both individual and collective levels of productivity. First and foremost, the company will be able to recruit and keep outstanding individuals since high-potential workers pursuing career growth will support the company’s policy (Daley 122). Upper mobility made possible by the internal promotion program will also encourage time and money savings in training current personnel as opposed to hiring and integrating foreign talent who would require an intro and comprehensive training. Moreover, the current crop of employees have the thorough understanding of the company’s culture, values and processes thereby maintaining consistency in quality of service and delivery.

Other External Recruitment Sources

Former Company Employees

The company can take back employees who had been fired or left their jobs voluntarily if they are interested in rejoining the firm. In doing so, the company will bring back experience and save on costs as former workers are well aware of company policies and do not need induction training. Moreover, the firm will be able to rehire employees with a proven track record of excellent performance (Breaugh 397).

Recommendations of Current Workers

Existing employees have adequate knowledge of both the company and the candidate they are recommending. As such the company would be able to secure services of highly skilled workers who fit the business needs as current employees would not recommend a candidate who cannot match the necessary competencies required and the company policy.

The Central Application File

This involves hiring from the existing file of past applicants who were not selected. This file contains candidates who have expressed interest in working for the company and would, therefore, need little motivation to perform better. Moreover, these candidates may have improved their resumes to meet the selection criteria including obtaining certifications they did not have during the earlier selection process.

Works Cited

Breaugh, James A. “Employee recruitment.” Annual review of psychology 64 (2013): 389-416.

Daley, Dennis M. “Strategic human resources management.” Public Personnel Management (2012): 120-125.

February 22, 2023

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