Art and craft essay

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Making things and designs

Making things and designs is a skill in art and craft. Architecture and furniture design are examples of several artistic disciplines. Exhibitions started to gain popularity in the 17th century, but the designs were crudely produced. In order to recreate the coordination between architects, designers, and craftsmen, arts and crafts were developed. The main sources of artistic inspiration are historical works, customs, and natural settings. The guiding principles of arts and crafts include individualism, regionalism, and design unity. A design that serves an architectural structure’s main purposes is considered beautiful.

Art Nouveau

Art Nouveau is a visually appealing style of architecture that draws inspiration from natural patterns. There was an Art Nouveau movement in the 1900s. The aim of art nouveau movement was to create up-to-date surroundings that gratified the demands of the present-day life. Art Nouveau focused on abolishing the difference in the appearance of the inner and outer structure. Use of Modern materials and making new expressions are the ways of overcoming previous building styles in architecture.

The graphic expression in art nouveau architecture

The graphic expression is used mainly used in architecture in art nouveau. The graphic designs are made to be sleek, linear, asymmetrical and with bold colors. Ornament should be sleek and well integrated with the design, the structures and decoration must be well matched to bring sense to the architecture design. An example of art nouveau graphic expression is Erich Mendelsohn, Einstein Tower, (1920), in Potsdam. The vibrant expressions of the Einstein Tower demonstrate Mendelsohn’s interest in stream lined forms. He expresses the dynamism of Einstein’s explorations of time and its relation to space. Mendelsohn, Einstein Tower is an actual implementation of the art nouveau designs. It is designed to suits with the typography and thus suiting the present designs in the environment.

Image: Erich Mendelsohn, Einstein Tower, (1920), in Potsdam

Above is the image of Erich Mendelsohn, EinsteinTower, (1920), in Potsdam.

March 17, 2023

Science Profession Life


Architecture Work

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Design Architect Discipline

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