Aromatherapy: Basic Mechanisms and Evidence-Based Clinical Usage

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Cravello and Caltagirone provide an explanation for basic issues related to dementia disease and how the hassle can be solved in the society. In most instances, it has been ascertained that some psychological and behavioral symptoms of dementia can only be treated by applying drugs that have been prescribed by the medical doctor and they include the aromatherapy. However, the study developed by the pupils illustrates that there are some effects of the drugs, which can also be adverse in some cases. The work will be used in the last paper as it will explain the reasons why aromatherapy should now not be considered based on its adverse effects on an individual’s health, especially when treating some conditions like dementia (Cravello & Caltagirone, 2015).

Dusek, J. A. (2016). Development of a Health System-Based Nurse-Delivered Aromatherapy Program.

Dusek intends to illustrate the procedures and policies undertaken when carrying out aromatherapy. The study has been found to provide clear explanations of how clinical aromatherapy can be provided safely to clients in the society as well as patients visiting various hospitals across the globe (Dusek, 2016). The policies developed by the author are also aimed at providing training requirements, safety, and nursing procedures as well as provider specifications. The work will not be referenced in the study being developed since the requirements of my paper include the current and future trends that may impact the mental health service.

Lee, E., Daugherty, J. S., & Schmidt, U. (2017). Evidence-Based Post Anesthesia Care Unit Practice Guidelines for Determining Length of Stay and Discharge Location for Surgical Obstructive Sleep Apnea Patients. Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing, 32(4), e48-e49.

Lee, Daugherty and Schmidt are scholars that carried out an experiment to evaluate the impact of aromatherapy among patients in a hospital. The study developed by the authors is aimed at illustrating the stay times of PACU between patients who had inhaled isopropyl alcohol and those who had been provided with QueaseEASE aromatherapy to inhale. The paper details will not apply in the study being developed since it does not explain the current and future trends of applying aromatherapy in treating various conditions among patients (Lee, Daugherty & Schmidt, 2017).

Sonoma Press. (2014). Essential Oils & Aromatherapy, An Introductory Guide: More Than 300 Recipes for Health, Home, and Beauty. Australia: Arcas Publishing.

Sonoma press provides a guide to the essential aromatherapy and oils that should be considered as essential across the globe. The authors state that rosemary, peppermint, and lavender are some of the healing plants as they have been ascertained to have healing powers. The book Essential Oils and Aromatherapy: An Introduction Guide assists in providing tips, tools, and techniques that can be used when starting to create a toxic-free and natural medicine from various household products. The book written by the authors will be applied in my study as it highlights the current impact of aromatherapy on the society, which also creates an impact on its future (Sonoma, 2014).

Tisserand, M. (2014). Aromatherapy vs MRSA: Antimicrobial essential oils to combat bacterial infection, including the superbug. Singing Dragon: China.

Tisserland developed a study that was aimed at addressing various issues related to infection and its impact on the community, animals and other living organisms in the society. The effects of antibacterial essential oils have been explained by the author based on its significance in managing infectious conditions, which include ‘superbug’. The author also explains various strategies that can be applied in managing acute conditions, which might also include the use of the aromatherapy. The paper details are essential but will not apply to the topic of study being discussed in the research (Tisserand, 2014).

Worwood, V. A. (2012). The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy: Over 600 Natural, Non-Toxic and Fragrant Recipes to Create Health Beauty a Safe Home Environment. Novato, CA: New World Library.

Worwood is one of the authors internationally that has been found to have the foremost authority on essential oils and aromatherapy. She has clients, including the well-known heads of state, royalty, musicians, actors, and models, and have been using some of her products to attain the best in their performance. The book illustrates various aspects of aromatherapy, and she explains the notion that she is still carrying out research on the impacts of aromatherapy on infertility and endometriosis. Therefore, the paper can be used in developing the study as it entails the future impact of aromatherapy (Worwood, 2012).

August 09, 2021



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